
Singing in the Colours of Twilight


10-28-2013, 04:46 PM

The figure revealed itself to be a chocolate brown male, who spoke to her immediately, kind and calm. He introduced himself as Legend, and asked the golden dancer for her name in return. She eyed the man nervously, letting her inky lips part to reveal her pearl razors, and her voice slipped forth.

"My name is Dawn. It's nice to meet you, Legend." She said, lowering her cranium slightly in greeting. When he told her he had no intentions of causing her pain, she gave him a look of disbelief. Her lip lifted slightly to reveal the tip of a sharp canine, her eyebrows lowering slightly as if she were frowning. She remembered so many men saying exactly that, and then pinning her so they could get what all men wanted. She huffed a bit, letting her face return to it's natural, edgy expression it took on around males.

"That's what the last man said, and my mother has the scars from saving me from that one." She muttered, grass pigmented eyes directly meeting the other wolf's cobalt blue optics. She wondered what reaction that would get from this one, it usually scared away the ones who had malicious intent, and brought pity from those with benign intentions. Let's see what this one's intentions are. I think my legs could use a rest for once... She thought to herself, watching the newcomer with grass and honey pools.

Speech, Thought, Others,