
Why am i always drenched


08-07-2023, 09:36 PM

They'd chosen to stay close the meadowed pastures. Or, maybe just the entire area in general. There seemed to be much more to explore in this particular area and with so much time on their paws. It didn't seem right to just rush through. They could not fly like the birds above. Having not been provided with the wings to such a thing. Only the limbs which carried them along. Anemone being Omaira's main guide. At times, she felt bad for the vulpine. Wondering on a daily she ever grow tired of being another set of eyes. It wasn't as if she could not see. The world full of various colors. Everything just seemed to be one big blur.

As Anemone trotted ahead. A soft tune leaving her lips, Oma fell just slightly behind. Bright blood pads feeling the moment earth became rough. Sinking with ease into the weirdly shaded terrian. A color she had yet to come across. What is this? For a moment, she stopped to feel the texture. Toes spreading. Further pressing into the ground with interest. So lost in what it could be, her attention fell onto the distant abyss forever walking without pause. "Anemone, what am I standing on?" The fox stopped to turn around. Her head finding Omaira looking quite puzzled at the ground. "It's sand. This area seems to be covered in nothing but water. Can you see it?" Her mouth snapped shut with embarrassment. She did not mean to say such things. And yet, Omaira said nothing as she glanced ahead. Moving from where she once stood to take a closer look at the vast blue painted along the tall brown structures. Trees. These are trees.