
The things in the mist



Queen of Hell

Master Fighter (263)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-08-2023, 01:45 AM
Widow was no fool, but she wasn't thinking as clearly as she could be. As the man stood between her and the shelters door, her fur bristled and tail lashed. Even as the leopard approached and backed up the kidnapper, she wouldn't be threatened. She'd won spars with other wolves and killed other cats, this was no different. Except now, she had a real reason to fight. She would save her daughter, hold true to her promise to protect her always, and rip this man apart without damaging his pelt too much. The leopard too, she wanted to memorialize these monsters f o r e v e r.

She lunged forward without warning and wrapped her jaws around the mans foreleg as she felt the leopard descend on her back. The mans limb broke easily in her powerful jaws, holding no restraint despite the sharpened claws pulling at her flesh and muscle. Rage fueled her and so she felt no pain. The man yelped and in a two-for-one move she shook her head violently and threw the man to the ground while simultaneously shaking the leopard enough to make it fumble. Releasing the mans limb, bloodied fangs reached for the leopards rear limb and tore it from her flesh, immune to the pain that accompanied the leopards claws tearing open her skin. The leopard hissed and dove to bite her, but Widow was faster and pulled back just in time for the leopard to lunge at the captor instead.

Widow took the small opening and lunged forward again to sink her teeth into the flesh of the leopards throat, the sheer force of her grip severing important arteries. It only took a moment for the leopard to fall limp, the last of its life force sputtering from parted jaws, before Widow released her grip and turned her argent eyes on the man that was attempting to crawl away. She took a few slow steps forward until she stood over the man, using a clawed paw to push the man onto his back. Without the protection of his leopard, he cowered beneath her.

Her snarl turned into a smile briefly, tempted to let the man live only to see him shredded by the pack should he dare leave this island, but no, his pelt was far too pretty to waste. "And now, you are my prize," she purred, almost sweetly, but as blood dripped from her maw it was anything but. She only gave the man another gasp of life before she took a single sharpened claw and slit his throat, watching him bleed out beneath her with a wicked grin.

Blood poured from her body, but she couldn't care less. Her daughter was safe. Stumbling off his body, she crashed through the door and found her daughter inside. Quickly she hurried to her, wrapping her arms around her small daughter tightly. "You are safe, my love," she purred, growing weaker by the second but holding on. Her ravens cawed and hopped into the hut, tilting their heads at the two wolves before flapping their wings in excitement. "Go get help," she instructed the birds and soon they were off, flying back to Insomnia as told.

Widow turned back to her daughter, pulling away from her enough to get a look at her. She was clearly drugged. After a moment and a sigh, she pulled her in close for another hug as tears began to fell. What had he done to her?


Code © Skelle 2023
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PSA: I own widow's design as of 2/25/2022

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1. The things in the mist Atlantis Island 06:35 PM, 08-03-2023 03:17 AM, 02-13-2024