

Resin ♥



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-09-2023, 05:48 PM

It had been quite some time since a foreign soul had entered the ethereal realm of the eternal Carpathia Mountains. The seasons changed on a whim. Tomorrow it might be the height of summer or the bitter, killing cold of winter. Today though, it was autumn. The various trees along the mountainside gleamed in gold and bronze, their decay filling the air with a slightly sweet smell.

Resin was always here. Whatever gods had noticed her had decided that she was a worthy guardian of the place. She spent her days, nights, and would spend all of eternity stalking every pathway, inspecting every crevice. Nothing ever happened to shake up the daily routine, but the woman patrolled and guarded none the less. And so, as she protected her mountain home, the scent of another invading her space was instantly noted. Obsidian ears shifted and dusty blue nares flared. A familiar, yet entirely new scent. Intriguing.

Wide paws led the grey woman down the mountainside. The wind continued to dance about, teasing her with the scent of another wolf. As the land leveled out and she came to the edge of the lake, Resin noted the intruder at once. A very young wolf stood ankle deep in the crystal clear waters of the lake, drinking her fill of the sweet water. Just like the weather, Resin's appearance changed. Sometimes she was young. Sometimes she was old. Sometimes she was covered in scars, her eye missing. Others she was whole with both eyes in tact. Today, she was old but whole, both sulfur yellow eyes glowing within the dark mask of her face.

Head lowered, the maned fae loped around the edge of the lake, slowing as she came close to the girl. Again her nostrils flared as she scented the child. Tamsyn. Artorias. Briar. All of their unique aroma's tickled her brain, but she didn't know this striped child. "And who might you be?" the woman rumbled from behind the drinking girl. One dark brow arched and the fae's ears flicked forward. There was an amused expression on her face as she waited for an answer.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]

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