
You belong to me forever and always

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-28-2013, 06:26 PM

How was it that it felt vaguely, irresistibly like they were almost equals now? Basilisk Saxe would shift his weight from one paw to the other, turning slightly as he watched her settle to the earth. Her expression was mirrored by his own, a slight smirk playing at the corners of his lips. She instructed him to learn more about this pack, and he nodded slowly. Already he had met Jupiter's daughter. Maybe he could seek her out again? And yet the thought of gaining information from Deteste was not at all comfortable to him. He respected the male a bit, but that didn't stop him from wanting to kill his dear friend...

She would be a partner to him. Help him. He would not be alone. The smirk grew slightly, tail flicking idly behind him, though its movements ceased quickly. "My mother failed me too," he commented, his expression faltering slightly. "She failed to defend our pack. My family." He loved her, and would defend her, but that didn't mean he was happy with her. "I want to work alone. She would want to claim Ludicael. I just want to see Jupiter dead." His grin returned, vague amusement at the thought.

Hesitantly he shifted a bit closer to her, leaning to press his nose down into the side of her belly. A daring move, but he knew she would not maim him over it. She had pledged her help to him. Why would she lie to him? Her belly was thick and swollen, and felt strange. He pulled back a moment later, turning his gaze to her again. "My father was a rapist and a killer. He couldn't control himself." It was a simple, honest answer. He wasn't proud of it, but it was the true.