
better with you


10-28-2013, 06:48 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

For a moment, he was silent. He didn't know what to say or what to do. Watching her step away from him was like a dagger to his heart. The look in her eyes was enough to break him alone. He stood perfectly still for a moment, simply staring and trying to comprehend as she spoke. He watched her struggled and fight through her words as she fought the uncertainty that must have plagued her own mind as well. It was just too much.

At one time, Seraphim had been convinced he didn't have a heart. He had been certain that he would never care for another adult wolf, had been convinced that he would never be a father because he would never love a female enough for her to give him that honor. How wrong he had been. It was fatherhood that had opened him up to this... This consuming feeling that he couldn't shake no matter how hard he tried.

Did he love her? No, that wasn't it. Simply, he knew that he would love her. The feeling was growing and expanding inside him and he was sure that one day it would be too much and he would burst. The idea of enduring that feeling without her there seemed unfathomable, something he just couldn't consider.

Finally he would speak, his voice low and even, his eyes never leaving hers. I have heard of what Isardis has done, and I honestly didn't care until I saw what happened to Taurig. Taurig is his child and he did not hesitate to do what he did. What kind of wolf - what kind of father - is capable of that? He shook his head slightly and sighed. I merely said that Taurig would welcome you. But he would not fight your battles, because I would not let him. I am the one asking you to leave. If Isardis sought to punish someone, it would have to be me.

He took another step closer, closing the distance between them again. You are right, Eris. I barely know you. But I want to know you, I want to know all of you. And the way I feel now tells me that nothing could change that. He paused, giving her a moment to take in his words before continuing.

If you want to leave, I will help you decide when and how. But... If you want to stay, I will do what I have to to continue to see you and make sure you are happy. I cannot simply leave you behind, but believe me, I have tried.

Tagged: Eris