


10-28-2013, 06:58 PM
TO THE JUDGE -- please read the ooc note at the end of the attack/defense/injury summary as it is very important in regards to this post and riv's.
also, i'm assuming this is now a 2 v 2, and the posting order should be: tidus, isardis, rivaxorus, artemis (at least to my knowledge).

She had reared back onto her hinds, hoping to remain out of plain sight by positioning herself at a forty-five degree angle from her adversary?s right haunch, but still her opponent managed to react to her presence before she had even made impact with the tawny lass. Narrowed eyes would flash with fury as her current adversary lowered her body to avoid Artemis? attempt to throw her weight onto the woman?s lower back, right paw failing to connect with the woman?s targeted right-sided ribs for reasons the adolescent could not fathom and left forepaw touching back against the earth on Riv?s left side so that her own abdomen loomed over her adversary?s (since Artemis had aimed to wrap her left forelimb around the left side of Riv?s lower back during her previous attack). As her adversary shuffled backwards, causing Artemis? incisors to barely graze the top of the woman?s neck, Artemis would attempt to push off of her left forelimb as her weight shifted towards her hinds, hoping to ground her left forepaw back on her opponent?s right side where the remainder of her paws resided so as to reestablish her balance and remove herself from her awkward position above her opponent. It was then that her adversary chose to raise herself from her lowered position and maneuver forward, but with Artemis positioned at a forty-five degree angle from the bitch?s right haunch, she would be exempt from the woman?s attempted assaults, including the attempted bite as it was illogical for the woman to reach her neck when she (Artemis) was positioned towards the woman?s rear (realistic dodge).

Defenses would solidify as plots for her impending attack coursed through her twisted mind, mismatched gaze narrowing to thin violet and metallic slits, ears pinning back against the contours of her skull, and tail creeping between her haunches to shield her vulnerable underbelly from attack. Shoulders would roll forward to provide the base of her neck with rolls of excess flesh and fur, hackles prickling to add further protection, and neck scrunching back some to encumber the front and sides of her neck with layers of fat. Skull would lower over her breast and gaping jaws would tuck against the curvature of her neck to buffer any attempts to grasp her lower jaw, limbs spreading equidistant apart to evenly distribute her weight while her knees would bend to lower her center of gravity, toes splaying across the earth to further secure her balance while her nails clipped into the soil for traction. Satisfied with her defenses, Artemis would attempt to extend her parted jaws towards the bottom portion of her opponent?s right-sided ribs, intending to crack the bones located there with the pressure applied behind the hopeful bite she attempted to deliver to her adversary?s ribs. Simultaneously, left forepaw would lift from its position against the earth, weight shifting evenly among her three grounded limbs to maintain her balance while she attempted to hook her left forepaw around her opponent?s right hind limb, intending to yank the woman?s limb back towards her (Artemis?) body with the hopes of majorly compromising the tawny lass? balance so that she may trip and fall to the earth beneath her.




move TWO of THREE

ATTACK attempt to bite into riv's lower right-sided ribs with the intentions of breaking them, attempt to hook her left forepaw around riv's right hind limb with the intentions of pulling back towards her body to unbalance riv.

DEFENSE eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, neck scrunched, head lowered, jaws parted, chin tucked, limbs spread equally apart, knees bent, toes splayed, nails clipping into soil for traction. when she lifts her left forepaw, she redistributes her weight between her three grounded limbs.

INJURIES [ from previous fight: half-inch deep puncture wounds to scruff, bruised underbelly, two-thirds-inch deep puncture wounds to upper right neck ] none this round.

OOC i would like to let the judge know that, yes, i did pp artemis by saying she hovered over riv, but all with good reason. it was assumed in riv's post that artemis flew over riv to the front of riv which was extremely unrealistic and unfair in my opinion given the fact that artemis reared onto her hinds to crash the bottom of her chest on riv's lower back. had she leapt at riv, perhaps it would have been a different, but the only logical positioning for artemis since riv dropped down to avoid artemis' attack would be to have her left forepaw touch against the ground on riv's left side, since she had attempted to wrap her left forelimb around riv's left side anyway. therefore, i did pp artemis' position slightly but i didn't have her do anything in regard to attack to make it completely unfair on riv. riv's attacks on artemis also revolved around artemis' assumed position towards the front of riv, so that is my given reason behind having artemis dodge them. sorry if anything is confusing but this post was extremely hard for me to write :/