
The Straight and Narrow Might be a Long Shot


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

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3 Years
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Samhain 2022
08-14-2023, 04:56 PM

It seemed that she might have perked up a little as he inquired for more information on her own personal interest. He would commit that detail to memory. The Praetor boy hadn’t ever paid much attention to the night sky himself … but if it were something she enjoyed talking about, he might just have to learn for himself. The girl started with: she was charting them for the benefit of others. However, the next bit sounded like an admission of a guilty pleasure. “Just because you enjoy it, doesn’t make it any less admirable.” Aresenn lightly assured, though she likely didn’t need any affirmation for him. Even in the nefarious crowd he had taken up with, the commendable intention of her project wasn’t lost on him. Fun or not, her maps would likely be a great asset to those that followed her family.

It took him a moment to untangle his mind from thought and being- blinking away the former in time to hear the girl continue on to where her interest and perceived connection to the celestial bodies came from. Her voice was distant, though he listened closely. Aresenn quietly followed her glance to peer up at the sky for a moment, though he instantly recognized it wasn’t what she was looking at right this second. More likely imagining the layout of the night sky as she remembered it to be. Returning his attention to her once more, it became that much more difficult to follow along. He could practically see the stars in her own eyes- and they were prettier there than he had ever noticed them to ever be before.

Aresenn waited until she had finished before answering. He almost felt a little pity for her- wanting something that she couldn’t have, and not being able to find her place among those who were closest to her. The pirate boy could relate on some scale- though it clearly bothered the Fatalis girl more than it ever had him. Echoing her softer tone in one of his own, he cleared his throat softly before beginning. “I would assume it’s natural when you have a family as large as yours to feel a struggle in finding a place among them. Of course, I’m no scholar, but it doesn’t seem all that common for so many in one bloodline to remain so tightly knit.” Of course, he didn’t know how many siblings this girl had exactly, but he had gotten the impression from word in passing that it was a huge family, and that was something he hadn’t personally encountered often in his lifetime. Though, it did finally occur to him that she wasn’t necessarily looking for a solution to her feelings, more than she just wanted someone to hear them. He did. “But I’m glad you have found some comfort in stars. I suppose after spending so much time getting to know them, they might come to feel like family as well. At lease one you got to choose.” It clearly didn’t subside her feelings of longing, but at least it was something.

As the accusation of princess rolled off his tongue, it took her very little time to round on him. A smirk broke his features as he came to an immediate halt in order to not pressure her space. Though, her reaction was quite amusing- she was quick to establish that she was more than just a title by blood. “Is that so?” He asked, maintaining a playful light. He couldn’t tell if calling her such truly bothered her, or if it was just the game that they played. He’d have to pay more attention. Regardless, she joined him in their walk towards the Aspen forest- leaving the Hallows territory behind. Or at least … until he blatantly requested her name for his own purposes. Aresenn expectantly returned her stare as she weighed the advantages of an introduction in her mind. When a soft grin tugged at her lip, he would raise his brow in waiting. Andromeda Fatalis. A unique name for a unique individual. It was perfect. He wanted to tease her, to point out that it hadn’t been so hard, but decided against it. He thought that might have been a challenge for her, and didn’t want to immediately mock her for it. But you can call me Andy … everyone else seems to. He answered with his own grin. “Well, I see that I have made a grave error, Andromeda Fatalis, Princess and Trader of the Armada- Stargazer at Heart.” He finally answered, his tone a little overly valiant as he tested out her identity on his own tongue with a little added grandeur. Returning to something more conversational, he continued on.  “Do you like being called Andy though? You kind of seem like Drama to me.” He echoed, his grin broadening a bit more. Okay, he couldn’t help poking just a little bit, but he would immediately back off to a sentiment more sincere. “But I’ll call you whatever you prefer.”

"Aresenn Praetor"

*psssst* Hover over the image to make it go opaque.

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1. The Straight and Narrow Might be a Long Shot Wildberry Grove 05:08 PM, 05-29-2023 05:14 AM, 10-30-2023