
Why is the Rum Gone?!


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
08-14-2023, 05:02 PM

When the girl concurred with the humor of situational irony, it could have gone without saying that the traitor often times failed to get any entertainment value. “I could imagine.” The Praetor boy echoed. He was certain the individual receiving such punishment was subjected to more than just a tickle. What he was not prepared for, was the vivid detail he was provided in describing such a trial. He didn’t have a weak stomach by any means, though as his mind vaguely imagined what it would be like to have his skin ripped off and walked through fire, he couldn’t ignore the tingle of the false sensation in his limbs. “Hmm … Well. I would think that’s a pretty effective way of dissuading treason.” Aresenn answered after she finished her tangent. It was an intimidation tactic that would certainly make him think twice.

When she announced herself as an escapee, he couldn’t help the slight tilt to his head. Gee, he wondered why anyone would want to leave that tyranny? Though, was running away not considered treason? Would she face a different punishment if she was caught or returned? “Runaway, huh? What’s the punishment for that? Do you suspect someone is hunting you?” He wouldn’t think that it was worth her pack’s time crossing an ocean to retrieve a single adolescent girl … but maybe it was a punishment worth crossing an ocean to avoid.

As she implied her distaste to his sub-par brain, he was quick to offer affirmation. “It certainly is.” Though he answered, his attention was waning. As the events of the previous day slowly began to return to him, it became more clear why he was alone and where he had been going. As he fought to collect himself, Aresenn made an uncoordinated attempt to get himself back on his paws. It wasn’t easy, but the task was accomplished. Blinking past his throbbing head, he returned his attention to the monochromatic fae once more. “Not that I don’t thoroughly enjoy hearing about the atrocities from across the ocean- trust me, I do. I have ground to cover.” The larger brute announced. “I’m set to meet up with a friend- one that you might appreciate in a sense. It sounds like you and Sephiran come from similar crowds …” Aresenn trailed off in a disoriented ramble, though he eventually did cut himself off. “-but that’s beside the point. Anyways, I’m traveling north. Not sure where you intend on going- nor do I guess I really care. Though, if you’re looking for anything specific, I can point you in the right direction.” Which would have likely been true on a normal day, but something about the sway stance might have made him seem less believable. At least the intent was genuine.

"Aresenn Praetor"