

Dread Intellect Seasonal


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
08-15-2023, 03:52 PM
Night has its hold over all of Auster and the warmth of spring can be felt even as the moon stands high in the heavens and the stars twinkle in the firmament. Most wolves have gone to bed long ago but the young Haydée’s bed lays empty this night as thoughts and worries have driven a restful slumber from her grasp once again. As the new alpha of Ethne, the girl has to think not only about herself but what the future holds for them all. Small paws carry her from the familiar pack lands that she knows so well and out to the sandy beach that lays just next door.

It is nearing midnight by the time she finds herself on the out on the shoreline, chaotic thoughts tumbling mercilessly through her mind when something causes her to pause. Haydée tilts her head curiously as she tries to figure out what is off since her mind is singing alarm but her eyes see nothing. Green eyes scan the beach, finding that there are no predators nearby and all the air is filled with is the smell of the salty brine of sea water. Yet her body continues to tenses as the alarm does not fade and dread beings to well in her small chest.

Frustrated, Hay scans the area once more and finds, again, that the beach is free from predators and any threat. All that her emerald gazes finds is the dead and dying kelp that has thrown up onto the shoreline from the ocean’s depths that mark the area of high tide. Just as her gaze sweeps over the olive and brown kelp once more, the elusive puzzle piece that her mind has been trying to supply to her, finally slips into place.

For a long moment, all she can do is stare dumbfounded at the place where the waves break against the sand. Only, right now, there is no water there and Haydée suddenly realizes that the sound that usually accompanies the water as it crushes restlessly against the beach are also absent. Eyes turn toward the horizon and she sees the glow of the bright blue algae but it is far off in the distance. Her mind whirls as she attempts to calculate just how far out the normally high tide is.

The only thing that the numbers do tell her is that something is not right. Anxiety begins to build as continues to look out over the dry beach and tries to piece together what this means.

WC: 423
Total WC: 423 / 1500

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

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1. Wipeout? The Shimmering Shore 03:52 PM, 08-15-2023 03:46 AM, 02-13-2024