
Gonna draw your last breaths, at the end of our Mek’Leths




Novice Intellectual (20)

Expert Fighter (180)

3 Years
Extra large

VengeanceCritical Observation!1KLoserCritical Fail!Pride - Pansexual
08-15-2023, 08:13 PM

Admittedly Flurry was not expecting to suddenly see a pair of big cats rushing out at her, she was expecting them to come lunging at her with claws and fangs, rather they moved to try and block her path. "No fair, no one said I could bring friends." She called out teasingly as she pushed her way through the wall of thick fur, but they'd slowed her down regardless and her target was pivoting to meet her. Welp, too late now!

Flurry grit her teeth against the jolt that went through her skull and down her body as the pair's horns clashed, unfortunately for Flurry an object in motion tends to stay in motion and her opponent was interested in directing that movement and Flurry was left to scrabble as he paws skidded across the ground, the sand offering no resistance as she was glanced off the side of her opponent. Flurry let herself slide away from the purple girl, keeping her paws under her was more important than immediately jumping right back into the fray. She flashed a grin at the other girl. "Woah, pretty and strong, lucky me." She tossed the girl a wink.

Flurry was sizing the other girl up, Flurry had the height advantage but by her estimation that was the only one she had, the other girl was kitted out. Still, she probably stood a better chance than when she'd been nearly trampled by a horse. Digging her paws into the sand Flurry built herself up to launch herself at the other girl again, but not with the same outcome in mind no, that'd be too predictable. Instead this time as she rushed to close the distance between them Flurry aimed to drop herself suddenly once she was close, hoping to scoot under her opponent and line her skull up with the underside of the other girl's jaw, try and force it up with her horns and open the girl up so Flurry could nip at her chest, honestly her fight was more playful than anything else. It'd be a shame to ruin that pretty face after all.

Flurry vs Andromeda for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: 1+
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Mutation 1: Water Deer Fangs - Offensive
Mutation 2: Pronghorn horns - Offensive
Skills: Beginner Navigator & Intermediate Fighter


Art by Perencreste
Updated 01/13/23: I am currently on indefinite scarcity, please be patient and don't remind me of missing tags right now.

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1. Gonna draw your last breaths, at the end of our Mek’Leths Dove Island Archipelago 03:32 PM, 08-13-2023 03:28 PM, 09-21-2023