



10-28-2013, 10:20 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 10:25 PM by Nephele.)

The pressure applied to her back in the form of her favored sibling?s miniscule paws would jerk the china doll awake from her deep slumber, lids fluttering rapidly over her dual-toned eyes to expose the vibrant lenses that gleamed angrily beneath. Triangular ears would careen atop her crown to register the commands of her brother, reluctantly dragging her petite mass upon all fours before noticeably trembling upon them. Still, she was quite youthful and had yet to grow accustomed to supporting her weight upon her underdeveloped appendages, but after a few moments of hobbling, the babe managed to secure her balance, pivoting then to face the larger form of her ambitious sibling. A wry smirk would contort her dainty countenance as her pupils hovered over the plains of her sibling?s pallid features, gaze lingering upon the deep vermillion shade of his eyes as she bobbed her skull in confirmation with his demand. ?Keep up if you can,? the china doll sneered in challenge to her sibling as she rushed past him, barreling out from the entrance to the den they had been confined to since birth, tumbling upon the plush grass of the earth as she emerged thanks to her forward momentum.

Hot breath would cascade from her quivering nostrils as she expelled a snort in response to her fall, attention failing to reside upon the pain of the impact in favor of her new surroundings. Forehead scrunched some and eyes narrowed to thin but visible slits as her pupils adjusted to accommodate the abrupt intake of light, paws pushing her back upon all fours as her skull whipped this way and that to enable a view of everything in sight. Jaws unhinged with bewilderment as her skull tilted back some, glancing at the gargantuan foliage that towered high above her dainty skull with amazement and without a trace of fear ? and why should she feel compelled to fear these foreign masses? They would all bend beneath her will in due time, but for the time being, all that was left to do was familiarize herself with them. ?Wow,? she managed with an exasperated sigh, skull turning back to try and search for her brother who had hopefully emerged behind her. ?Ours?? she questioned curiously, seeking approval from her sibling. If they desired it, they would have it; of that, she was certain.