
Floppy eared Koi! [Closed]

The long awaited gaybies!


08-15-2023, 11:44 PM
OOC Name: SailyntSteps

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Selyn
Gender: FeMale
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Design 1:
Colors blur throughout a soft coat of various colors. As if the water itself painted them on a blank canvas. Leaving only memories of its white surface. Red, like the beautiful petals of a rose. Grey, resembling the oncoming approach of a gloomy storm. All surrounded by a darkness which centers amongst them all. Ears stand high and proud. Accommodated by another set that sits just off of the original pair. Leaving the left ear to hang just a bit, Floppy and occasionally droppy. It makes it hard sometimes to tell what she's really thinking. And, right in front of them, two sharp horns nestle themselves just a bit ahead. Taking refuge on her forehead. To top it off, eyes that resemble the ocean. Liquid blues and gentle greens merging into a shimmering display of murky, calm waters gaze out at the world.

Design 2:
So plain and yet so beautiful. A winter's white only hit with several areas of night patches. Back hind legs appear to have been dipped in soot from the strongest fires. Paws only tainted with the same coloration as if barely touched. The aftermath of such a thing. Now clung to the white furs. No sign of being washed away. The left eye sunken into a small river of black. Yet, both are a beautiful arrangement of watery green. Shown blue in the sun's gaze. Depending on the angle. Two horns sitting proudly, however small, centered before a set of ears. Though, one flops lifeless on the right side. Giving her a look of utter cuteness.

Personality: When it comes to Selyn, anyone who comes across her is immediately smitten. Not just because of her beautiful features. But her personality alone is like the sun. So bright and happy. A wolf could be in a funk, sad or angry, Selyn knows exactly what to say or do to make them smile. She doesn’t let anything get her down. Not even a thorn in her paw knocks her off of her calm state. Never one to really fight or argue. She chooses to talk things over peacefully then getting all riled up and angry. Selyn believes strongly in love. Peace and happiness. One with the earth and less with the world surrounding her. Yet, she isn’t dumb. Selyn holds much more intelligence then one would think. Giving great advice and knowing her way around herbs and medicine. All and all, Selyn is a drug you just can’t stop taking.

Skills: Healing & Intellect

Plans: Only time will tell how Selyn progresses throughout her life. You can never just plan these things ahead. Your character and you are entirely two different beings.

RP Sample: Annoyed. Selyn steamed over the feeling. Why had she come to the desert? Wasn’t there another way around these scorching rocks? The heat beaming off them from the blinding sun made her regret the color of her coat. They simply didn’t mix. Like water and poop. One wouldn’t just willingly drink shitty water. Would they? The image of such a thing taking place made her laugh out loud. Padding along in hopes to find something to cool the ache of her paws.

Soft ocean greens and blues glanced about with interest. Rocks upon rocks. All different sizes and shapes. Some tall. Some short. Others funny looking. It was one though that made her stop to admire it. The weirdness of it making it stand out more so than the others. H’m. Interesting. Selyn stepped a little closer. Nose sniffing it just a bit. Until she heard a faint shifting coming from underneath.

Curiosity killed the wolf? Of course not. But, it surely gave her a fright the moment a lizard shot from the rock and dashed across the desert like lightening. Selyn growled at it. Dumb lizard. She shook her head at her own foolery. Deciding that she’d be best off not investigating anything further. Her nose sniffing at the air. Hoping to catch a whiff of fresh water. Throat dry and very parched.

The closer she wandered the more a scent of markings came to play. Nearly stumbling over the borders of another’s territory, she stepped back a few feet. Daring not to cross over without permission. Instead, she sent out a bark to travel within the lands. Maybe someone nice would allow her to drink from their river and rest a bit in some shade.