
Cataleya x Taurig Babies!!



11 Years
Athena I
10-28-2013, 10:28 PM (This post was last modified: 10-28-2013, 10:29 PM by Alena.)
Name: Senka

Gender: Female

Size(height, weight, build): 35 inches, 90 pounds, slim and wiry

Personality: Quiet and observant. This fea watches from the shadows, waiting for the perfect opportunity to pounce on whatever her current target may be. This may be as innocent as a rabbit for her next meal to as malevolent as a fellow wolf. She watches the world around her with a shadowy quietness to her, her muted violet gaze carefully documenting everything. She drifts from place to place like a ghost, quiet and unseen by most of her kind. As a young wolf she is malleable, easily bent and swayed, shaped easily by the wolves and environment she is raised in. Some might say she is naive with the easy way she is bent to others wills, but in reality she might be the smartest of all. She follows the crowd and blends in with whoever she is with, causing her to fade seamlessly into the background and earn her as little attention as possible, just the way she liked it. Not much interests her and she sees the life around her mostly dull and boring. It takes a great jolt to her life, perhaps a death or the introduction of a particularly attractive wolf, to grab her attention.

Appearance: Along the top half of her body, along the bridge of her nose, ears, and the top of her tail, she is cloaked in a soft, shadowy gray. In stark contrast, the fur on her chest, throat, and the lower half of her muzzle is a bright, starry white. Her limbs are dipped in a light gray and her large, intelligent eyes are a subdued, muted violet. One of the most striking features in her pelt is the white dots that travel up the sides of her muzzle, under her eyes, and up to the bottom edge of her ears. Her limbs will grow long and graceful, making up the most of her thirty-five inches of height. Strong, wiry muscle winds around her form, keeping her strong despite the slim, light appearance of her body.

Alliance: Neutral

RP Sample: Snowflakes dotted her gray fur, her limbs sinking into the white fluff that had coated the ground the night before. The pup's violet gaze took in the sights around her with the endless curiosity that she couldn't help but satisfy. She gazed up at the cloudy sky, watching each gentle snowflake drift to the ground. One of them landed on her nose, immediately melting into water. "Hmm... Snow is water..." the young fea mused silently, unimpressed by the cold flakes. A soft sigh drifted past Senka's lips as she moved on, drifting away from the den, her expression showing how largely unimpressive the world around her was. She heard a voice behind her, perhaps her mother, but she paid it no mind. She weaved her way around a tree trunk, wandering aimlessly to see where she would end up. Perhaps something worth seeing would be where ever she was. One could only hope.

A rabbit darted past her only a few feet from her paws and the drifter stopped in her tacks, watching the large rodent disappear into the distance with a flick of her tail. Had she been older perhaps she would have gone after the worthy meal, but for now it was merely a decent distraction. She curved her path around the tree closest to her and followed her own small paw prints back toward the den. The pup decided that the cold and snow were not worth the trouble today. The warmth and comfort of the den seemed much more enjoyable than the icy cold that currently surrounded her.

Senka slipped into the den quietly so she would hopefully not draw the attention of her family, picking her favorite corner in the back of the den to curl up into. She looked like nothing more than a small ball of gray fur when she closed her eyes, blending easily into the shadows that slowly took over the den as night fell.