
Gonna draw your last breaths, at the end of our Mek’Leths



Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
08-16-2023, 07:27 AM

Call him love sick. Call him whatever you wanted. Either way, the boy was spending most of his time out in the archipelago. Through all the girls he had met recently, there was only one he cared to come across again. Now that his father claimed the islands, he wondered if she would return. Or would the scent markers keep her away? It was her that she dreamed of that night when the Armada ascended upon the islands. Scald tossed and turned while being tucked away behind a tree and beneath some driftwood as a makeshift shelter.

It was the booming call of Sirius’ challenge that awoke him. Scrambling to his paws and bumping his head in the process, he scowled out at the darkness that slowly shifted to morning light. Along the shores, the wolves emerged. Most as dark as the shadows that succumbed the rest of the island. One stuck out to him. Dark and purple. Though the stark white markings would differ from the girl of his dreams, he still couldn’t look away. She would be his first target.

Waiting behind his tree for the attackers to pass by him, Scald would quietly make his way to the rear of the Armadans. Soon his pack would come as well and begin the clash. Blood and cries of triumph splattered the white sands as Scald waited for his opening. The girl was small. Easily lost within the crowd as she too seemed to wait. No one would take notice of her except for him. Good.

Scald began to make his move. Paws hitting the ground and scooping sand behind him as he wove through the fighting. Running up directly behind Aris, Scald could see just how much taller he was than her. Not that it would be an easier. The smaller ones always ended up faster. Hoping to get the jump on her, he literally did jump. Lifting up as the last few feet between them closed up, he reached out his front paws to hopefully aim to grab around her waist, just in front of her thighs. If successful, he hoped that upon landing, he could grab her, twist his own slim frame from the momentum and toss her to the ground.


Scald vs Aris for Dominance
Round 1/?
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Leather Gloves w/ Bear Claws
Defensive Battle Accessory: Elf ear hat
Companion 1: Female Roseate Spoonbill, 50" - Battle
Companion 2: Male Scarlet Kingsnake, 20" - Battle
Mutation 1: Spine Quills - Defensive
Skills: Master Fighter & Master Navigator
Specialty: Marauder

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Gonna draw your last breaths, at the end of our Mek’Leths Dove Island Archipelago 03:32 PM, 08-13-2023 03:28 PM, 09-21-2023