
What It Means To Us




Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-16-2023, 01:00 PM

Seeing the form of the bear on their side, the realization of what he and Andy are about to try and do settles over him. The fur on the yearling’s body bristles and the danger of the situation comes to the front of his mind. He needed to focus and do his part so Andy and their companions weren’t hurt because of him. This was not some spar, this was the real deal! He would listen to his sister’s instructions, giving a small nod as his focus deviates from the bear long enough to listen to what she has to say. He was to cut off the escape route but be mindful of the bear’s attacks too, backing off when needed. “I’ll be as careful as I can… you do the same.” A request of his sister, not wanting her to get in a bad spot either. She was taking the more dangerous location, the risk to her greater… Charlie would not forgive himself if he allowed his littermate to get hurt.

The break to different positions. Charlie lowers his body down, moving with quick yet silent steps. One of his father’s first lessons comes into play here, stalking around their intended, yet dangerous prey. There is little foliage here, in part thanks to the dangerous temperatures of the geyser, but with the bear focused on his sister it pays him no mind. He can feel his heart hammering in his chest, trusting Silveris to guide him from the skies as Yorrick falls into step beside him. They move and breathe as one in the same. Ears fall against his head and he can feel the strength of his mother in the armor and cuffs he wears. The jay feathers around his right ear flick in the wind beside his head, yet his gaze does not deviate from their target. The bear had spotted Andy and was heading for her. Charlie quickens his steps, but does not sacrifice his stealth. He can not afford to alert it before he is in the proper position to cut off its retreat. He has to trust his sister and her companions to start the fight and give them their opening.

The bear and his purple sister charge, and above the beast Silveris wings up into the sky, her series of trills informing Charlie of the movements going on. Bird speech is something fast, garbled, but the sounds she makes are ones they have come up with for signals, and Charlie abandons his stealth to close the last of the distance. Silver keeps above the bear, her calls constant, hoping to aid not just Charlie but serve as an additional distraction for the other predator as Andy and her hawk keep the front of the beast busy. The seconds feel like they take an eternity to get in position, but he is there, behind the beast. Yorrick follows his lead, deviating from the rear right leg, where Charlie is heading, to the left leg right above the paw.

His jaws open, the intent being a quick, tearing bite before he danced back on the off chance the bear managed to spin around. His bite aims higher up, for tendons and joints connected to the upper and lower part of the leg, allowing for movement. If he can cripple the beast he reduces the threat, right? He lunges forward, clamping down as he lands. The beast roars again and snaps its jaws toward Andy’s companion as it spins, swiping with a forelimb at the bigger source of pain; Charlie.

The yearling expects this reaction. He keeps his jaws around the limb and kicks back against the earth to hop back, tearing through flesh before he lets go and the bear’s limb swipes where his face was a moment before. But the damage is done. It moves that leg and stumbles on it. Yorrick moves as its rear slumps towards the earth and Charlie hops further back, defenses up as he snarls at the beast. He knows he is just out of range of the bear, but he does not back down. Silver wings down, flying past the bear’s fast to distract it from her companion. It follows her with its eyes, snapping again, but the small shrike is fast, calling out to Andy and her companions to make their next move.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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