
Love Makes Me


5 Years
Athena I
10-28-2013, 11:34 PM

Worry twisted her gut constantly as she waited anxiously in the Seracian territory for some sign that her man was okay. Meili hated being away from him on a normal basis, but to know that he was fighting in a war was like torture. Her stomach felt sick from the stress it caused her and she could barely eat. Meili forced herself to lay down in the shade of a tree and make herself rest as best as she could. She closed her eyes and got as comfortable as she could, but it did her no good. She was just as worried and restless as before.

Suddenly the precious, unmistakable voice she loved echoed through the air, jolting her out of her attempted rest and onto her paws in an instant. She felt breathless with disbelief. "Gael...?" she whispered, a slow grin stretching across her muzzle. She lifted her muzzle toward the sky to return his call joyfully before racing off in the direction of his voice. Her paws flew across the ground, that familiar burn in her muscles setting in as she crossed the territory. Within moments she breathed in his scent and a short distance later she spotted him laying on the ground just outside of the pack borders.

Her joy quickly plummeted back into worry when she saw him, collapsed and bleeding. It felt like her heart dropped into her stomach the moment her teal gaze found him. She raced up to him, skidding to a halt and dropping to her stomach in front of him in one desperate moment. He was here! He was here and alive, but he was hurt. "Gael, oh Gael..." she said softly as she pressed her face into the fur on his neck, making herself believe that he was really there. She pulled back after several moments, looking him over with worry. She gently licked his muzzle and asked with worry on her gentle voice, "Are you okay? What happened? Where are the others?"


Thank you Yumpy!