
When it all comes crashing down

Irilyth & Saracyn



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-16-2023, 08:30 PM
tw: miscarriage

The days and weeks of her pregnancy had felt fast at first, but steadily they seemed to drag on more and more. Each day seemed to feel a little longer than the last. She had been put on den rest fairly early on and she very quickly grew tired of seeing the walls of their den, but all of it would be worth it to have their children here with them. For the first time since she was about a year old she had to put the pack she now led at the bottom of her priority list, handing off the responsibility of it all to her wonderful mate. It was unfortunate that their parents were still away on their trip since she likely would have asked her mother to step in for her so that Sara could stay with her more often, but she both didn't want her worried parents hovering near her nor did she want to interrupt their relaxation for something that she hoped would ultimately turn out to be nothing. She knew that not every female had an easy pregnancy so perhaps she was just doomed to pay this price for their family.

However, as she laid in their bed, huddled under warm furs and trying to ignore this feeling that had begun a few days prior that almost felt like an aching fever, a grim thought crossed her mind. She had been like this for a few hours now with her forepaws resting on her belly, silently praying for the seldom and gentle movements that had kept her hopes up for all of these weeks. She started every day like this, waking up after Saracyn had left to begin his patrols, hunts, and meetings, and waiting to feel their pups move and wake with her before she rose to make herself go through the motions of her morning routine. Today that movement had not come and it kept her frozen there, laying in shock as she tried to wrap her head around what was happening and struggling to make herself believe that it could even be true. After a longer period of time than she cared to admit, she lifted her paws away, her limbs slightly stiff from laying in one position for so long. Ava let out a whistle, calling for Loqui from where he was undoubtedly perched at the mouth of the cave. The raven arrived quickly, landing in front of her with his diamond talons scraping lightly against the stone floor. "Go get Irilyth," she told him softly before her long time companion could question her and thankfully he took off immediately, the avian seeming to sense her dread.

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. When it all comes crashing down Alias Island 08:30 PM, 08-16-2023 04:17 AM, 11-06-2023