
We Can Be Immortals




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-16-2023, 08:39 PM

Bellamy might have admitted needing help, but accepting it was going to be a whole new battle. The woman had tried to stall in Ethne, hesitant to leave the home of her family, or her friends. The home she made with Gav… her heart broke, continuing to fracture as she cursed her weakness and her inability to be strong from them. But it hurt, Divinities above it hurt and with each passing day she felt herself slipping. She had gone from a wolf of average stature to much thinner, barely touching food, and only taking the herbs her daughter and son brought her at their urging and encouragement. She was afraid to close her eyes, of the nightmares she would have, and worse yet waking up without her mate by her side once more. The love her children helped chase those thoughts away, but they could not be by her side every moment. They had their own lives to live, a pack to protect…

Leaving Ethne had been hard. So hard. She hesitated, a whine pulling at her lips as she cast a look back the way she had come. Emotions raged within her, regret, sorrow, wondering if she should have just been allowed to give up. But… in death she would be even more alone… She knew the right choice was to get help… but… it was hard… She was scared, scared of learning to live without her tiny mate. She was scared of forgetting him, and acting like life was okay, when what happened to him was far from it. Moving on meant accepting that he had been murdered. Accepting she hadn’t been able to protect him. The one wolf she wanted to protect more than anything. It tore at everything Bellamy was.

The going was slow… there were a lot of rests due to her struggling energy. Herbs had been given to boost it, and some food, but even still, the woman walked like a wolf who was ancient and brittle. When they would stop her head would always turn in the direction of their pack. They were away from it, but she knew her heart was there. Tears were shed, and she would press into her daughter’s side as she cried. Apology after apology was uttered, met with the love Hay had for her and reassurance. But they would slowly get close to the Hallows and, as they did, Bellamy’s gaze would fall to the earth at her paws.

The last time she had been here had been such a positive event, meeting Artorias and finding like minded neighbors. She had been thankful for them, to know her pack, her children, had a safe place to turn should things go south… but she never expected to come back here for herself. If anything, she had expected to be the one to go first… fighting for the sake of her loved ones. Fate was… twisted. Cruel. Bellamy felt so small, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. She catches movement from the corner of her eye and knows Hay is trying to reassure her once more. She shifts closer, their fur brushing against one another. She swallows hard… can she really do this? Her courage falters and Bellamy comes to a halt beside her little one.

“...there is nothing left to be proud of…” Her words are quiet. “I failed the one wolf who I swore to fight even gods for… I… I couldn’t keep him safe… It’s my fault…” She started shaking again as grief washed over her like a rolling wave. “...protect them… please…” She begs her little one in a whisper, the thought of more of her loved ones being lost almost enough to end her right then and there.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. We Can Be Immortals Amron's Castle 03:39 PM, 08-15-2023 03:13 PM, 01-21-2024