
Losing My Grip


10-28-2013, 11:52 PM

Aoi listened to every word that poured from Maijas maw intently, she spoke, and spoke, venting to him as if she simply could not stand bearing the weight of her consciousness so much as a second longer. It wasn't hurried, or rushed, as Aoi half expected it to be, having had his own taste of the females impatience, but that certainly wasn't the case this time around running into her. She had changed, noticably, since they last met, or maybe this was just the part that was hidden to Aoi, this vulnerable smashed to pieces girl who seemed desperate to find clarity, peace, within her maelstrom of warring thoughts. He almost smiled at the thought stifling a laugh at the fact that for a moment, he wanted to believe he understood her, but he knew he couldn't possibly come to a full understanding for Maija's situation. Regardless, he listened, soaked in every word in his mind, analyzing, calculating, trying to find words to give her that wouldn't be harmful, some form of advice to pick her back up onto her feet. Surprisingly the information thrust upon him wasn't hard to digest, Maija's first, or rather previous engagement held sentimental value to her, though it did come at a price, the "alter ego" of her husband if you will. But this wolf had disappeared, the fact that Maija was still clinging to that surprised Aoi, to still hold something as horrid as she had made it out to be to him seemed to him like it would cause a lot of emotional damage.

Aoi closed his eyes momentarily, soaking in everything that was said. There was also the matter of this new male in her life to consider for her sake. from what she had told him, he made out to be an upgrade from her absent husband, but could she let go? He opened his eyes again slowly, boring his icy gaze into hers almost darkly, yet still holding a non hostile softness, just to show he was absolutely serious, hoping she would take his advice to heart, for her own sake, and the sake of her emotional state for the rest of her life. He took a deep breath before his own words flowed, fluidly in response as if he knew exactly what he was going to tell her, almost predetermined. "You've lived harshly as of late, but I hope you will heed my words and let me be a voice of reason to help you better that life. Your husband is gone, that is an inescapable fact. Even if he were to show, could you really live that life again? tearing yourself between love and hate everyday? I understand the feelings you may have had for him in the past, but it's in the past. You need to worry about you, and your future. The new guy in your life sounds like he knows what he has, and treats you as such, look at yourself, Maija, you're giddy thinking about him. Stop holding yourself back, let yourself know happiness again, embrace it, find comfort in it and get back on your feet. You've got a good set of paws, it'd be a waste to keep sitting on them too long, start walking." His tone got lighter nearing the end of his response, as did his gaze, in fact, a smile broke out across Aoi's face which in itself was a rarity, no matter how subtle the grin was. Perhaps this was something Maija needed to hear. Maybe he shouldn't have been so forward about it, but he wouldn't lighten up in place of honesty. He waved his tail almost happily waiting in response, eager to know if he'd made an impact on the female, hoping that she agreed with him, and started on her path to happiness. If he were to be successful, the warmth that Aoi felt internally would glow much more intensely with the feeling of helping someone significantly, which is all he really sets out to do in situations like this.
