
Love Makes Me


10-29-2013, 12:31 AM

He knew she'd been worrying. How could she not when he had marched off into battle and there was a very high risk of him not coming home? That's probably all she'd been doing since she'd arrived here in Seracia, and now actually being able to see him in the flesh probably made all her worries become her worst nightmare. He wasn't too bad off at least, but he still didn't want to let on that his injuries were probably worse than he was letting on. He needed to put on a brave face for his little woman. She couldn't see him hurting because then she would hurt and he didn't want that. He needed to be a man and suck up the pain, and he was doing his hardest.

She didn't specify who exactly could be around, but he knew that she was talking about the healers. He said nothing, just nodded quietly as she called for any nearby healers. He didn't think he needed to be seen by a healer, but in order to just have scars and not an infection, it was probably better a healer check him out. Ceruleans would squeeze together, frame tensing as Meili began to gently lick at the gashes across his face. She was being as gentle as could be, but that didn't minimize the pain. No sound came from the man as his little woman attended to him. He was more than glad that she was here with him; he didn't know what he would've done without her.

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