
They don't get you like I will



5 Years
Extra large
10-29-2013, 12:50 AM

He had honestly expected things to go much differently than they had. He had expected to have been attacked the moment he'd entered the seige, but it was not so. Valhalla had done a sufficient job in keeping the Glaciem wolves occupied that the Re hadn't been initially attacked. To his luck, one of his own wolves had decided to take on Ice King (which was probably not a smart idea), allowing the cobalt Re to take one of Isardis' most prized wolves; Sendoa. And the blue woman had come without a fight, which was the most surprising thing of all. He had managed to come back without a scratch, though he couldn't say the same for his men. Part of him felt guilty that he had left his men behind, but he had promised Sendoa he would leave the Seige if she came. And he did. But now. He had someone else to go find.

After having gotten Sendoa settled into Tortuga, the cobalt Re had gone on a hunt. Her scent was still fresh and he was able to track it through the territory. He would've figured she would've holed herself up in her den, or gone to the far hunting grounds she'd taken him to not too long ago, but to his ultimate surprise, he found her in his den of all places. Well, it wasn't completely strange. He'd taken her there the first day that they'd met, so he could understand why she would want to go back, but she wasn't exactly a very social wolf and he knew she liked her space. Regardless as to why she was there, Taurig was just glad that she was. Ebony limbs would pull the titan closer to his den, massive skull dipping down towards the ground, icy gems fixating on Maija's apparent slumbering figure. Maija... He would whisper quietly, hoping that she wasn't completely asleep yet.

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