
They don't get you like I will



5 Years
Extra large
10-29-2013, 01:11 AM

At first he was worried that she was indeed already asleep. For the first few moments, there would be no movement from the golden woman, just the light fluttering of her eyelids. She was asleep...but not completely. His soft voice would cut through her consciousness and bring her back, her lids blinking until her gaze focused on him. She would whisper his name as she slowly lifted her head to fully take him in, disbelieving that he was really here. A gentle smile would curl his ebony kissers, a gentle chuckle rumbling in his chest. The one and only. He would respond in light amusement, watching as she brought herself to stand, tail wagging. This was certainly a welcome.

She didn't seem to believe that he was back so soon and without a scratch. If he hadn't actually lived through it, he wouldn't have believed it himself. Luck maybe? I'm not too sure. I got there ready to fight, but no one attacked me. So I stood around, observing, and I spotted my half Aunt Sendoa, one of Glaciem's highest ranking wolves and I got an idea. I was going to fight her and claim her as my own, but as things turn out, she came willingly back to Tortuga with me. But in order for her to come without a fight, I had to leave the Seige and so I did. And that's how I'm here now. He would allow his skull to return a more normal height, icy eyes alight with delight. What would she think of the whole ordeal?

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