
When it all comes crashing down

Irilyth & Saracyn



Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-19-2023, 04:42 PM

Avacyn wasn't really sure if it was minutes or hours between when Loqui flew out of the den to when she heard the quiet sound of Irilyth's paws entering the den. Her obsidian gaze shifted to look up at the blonde healer as she drew closer, but she didn't move. There was no evidence to bad up her irrational thought, but she felt frozen in place, almost as if she could stay still enough maybe Irilyth could turn back time and make everything right. She glanced toward the bowl of water that Irilyth insist she drink from and she almost refused or ignored it, but that feeling that had never really gone away of following what her nanny bid her to do eventually persuaded her to weakly lift her head and drink. It made her realize just how dry her mouth and throat had gotten from her hours of laying in this one spot.

Returning her head to where it was laying between her paws on the plush bed, she waited as her caretaker felt her forehead and continued on with the examination that she had done so many times before over the past many weeks. The feeling of her paws on her belly were familiar to her now even though the circumstances had taken such a turn. When Irilyth questioned her, asking her to tell her what she was feeling, she immediately wanted to reply that everything felt off. She was a smart woman. She didn't need Irilyth to tell her what had happened. Still, it was hard for her to face the truth of it and when she finally spoke she found herself blocking out the emotion that came with it and instead grabbing desperately toward the cold, numbness of logic and fact.

"They stopped moving," she replied softly, her voice slightly hoarse and her gaze not quite able to reach Irilyth's. "They're gone... aren't they? They didn't make it." She couldn't bring herself to care about the dull ache that had settled all over her body or the fever that made her feel hot and cold all at once. How this was effecting her own physical well being was the last thing on her mind. All she could think about was their children. And Saracyn... Gods, how was she going to tell Saracyn? "Please, just... Just..." She swallowed hard with a small glance toward Irilyth, lost, fearful, and tired. She didn't know exactly what had to come next, but she knew that Irilyth would.

"Avacyn Mendacium"

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1. When it all comes crashing down Alias Island 08:30 PM, 08-16-2023 04:17 AM, 11-06-2023