


11-01-2013, 07:17 PM
i should have mentioned this thread should take place before the siege and immediately after her fight with devya. D: sorry but idk what is going to happen to artemis in the siege thread so i have to rp her in a time when i know she isn't blind or whatever.

Once the blood from her punctured shoulder ceased flowing into the current of the river, the babe?s posture straightened once more, gargantuan paws pulling her mass back upon all fours so that the surface of the water barely grazed above her knees. Despite the unwelcomed chill from the temperature of the water, the phantom child lingered in the depths, muzzle pointing down towards the crystalline surface to enable a view of her reflection so as to observe the damage dealt upon her throbbing ear. Vibrant amethyst and metallic gaze graced itself as she stared back at herself, lenses failing to display the intense emotion that lurked beneath her rigid exterior in favor of their typical apathy, pupils then shifting towards her perked and bloodied left ear with genuine concern. Gaze permeated the top portion of her ear, moving through the small hole that the sable brat had pierced through it, fury creeping up upon her as she realized the permanence of the damage. A snarl wracked her stained countenance but the wraith remained quiet, silence only lost as her lifted forepaw swatted at her reflection, creating ripples where her lovely visage had once been and a soft splash! courtesy of the force of the hit. Perhaps a pierced ear was a minimal price to pay for achieving victory over her long-term adversary.

Wry vocalizations captivated the adolescent?s attention, causing her skull to whip towards the sound so as to view the onlooker that had dare spoken in such a condescending tone, gaze falling upon the masculine physique of a behemoth that towered far above her average apex of thirty-four inches. Own nostrils quivered momentarily as she expelled an amused snort, skull shaking briefly in disagreement before she glanced down at her own reflection once more. ??Clumsy,?? the babe repeated in mocking tones, a short chortle resounding from her jaws before her mismatched gaze found the goliath?s cerulean once more, taking note of the confidence that practically oozed from his pores. ?If earning your stripes in battle is now considered ?clumsy,?? the babe began after a momentary pause, tones entirely vague now as she addressed the male, ?Then I must be ?Queen Clumsy.?? The hints of a smirk developed upon her facial features as she registered the arrogant meaning behind her speech, chest cavity puffing out slightly as she fueled her own ego with reminders of her victory. Her brother had been unenthused by her victory unlike what she had expected of him, and the babe felt she needed to redeem herself of her lost opportunity to boast, turning to this haughty stranger when no others remained on her side.