
Sweet Rain Song


08-20-2023, 08:44 AM
For awhile now she’d been here. Wandering the landscape. Getting to know the ends and out. Though Omaira had yet to meet any other wolves besides Gilgamesh and Desponia. Not that it much bothered her none. Only time would tell when another would cross her path. There was no rush. Not for her that is.

At the moment, Oma stood underneath the heavy beating of rain. Every drop soaked into her coat and she did nothing to stop it. Except for the occasional shake to provide room for more of the falling wetness. This weather so happened to be her favorite. While others ran for cover, she chose to stand in it. Head tilted back. Eyes closed. Just as she was doing now. Her ears back with a small smile claiming her lips. She thought back to how she and her mother would do this together. Conversing about life. What it had to offer. The future waiting for Omaira Oh. How she knew her mother would love the stories to tell. No matter how small they were.

She missed her family. Especially her father. His presence always seemed to bring her peace. No matter what was going on in life. She didn’t stop it. The sound built up through a silent longing of her family. It bubbled just below the surface before breaking through sealed lips. Omaira began to sing. Her howl sweet and soft. Pushing further. Reaching higher into the skies. Filling the air around her. She didn’t care who heard or what anyone had to say.

Anemone had wandered off during the night. Her presence surely missed. Never forgotten. But, Oma was used to be a loner. The absent essence of her companion could be had for the moment. Knowing fully that she would indeed come back. Such thoughts were pressed through the melody of howls. Each note different from the next which left her lips. Yet beyond more beautiful than that of the call of war. Little did she know, the rain had blocked the heavy scent of a pack's marking. Not having stepped over that line. Oma surely was too close for comfort. Even the slightest step would place her inside of the territry.

All she knew was this moment was entirely hers.