
They don't get you like I will



5 Years
Extra large
10-29-2013, 01:36 AM

As expected, she didn't seem to approve too much of the way he had handled things, but at least she didn't think it was a complete mistake. Though the stern gaze he was getting from her wasn't too rewarding. His torn ear would flatten against his skull, crown dropping ever so slightly at her words. Without a doubt he'll want to come after my head... The words would just leave his lips when her next set of words would register in his head. I can't loose you... Loose him? He hadn't really wanted to admit to himself, but there was something special about Maija. He cared about all his packmates just as equally, but Maija he cared for just a little bit more. But as to why he cared for her more than everyone else he didn't exactly want to admit. Things hadn't worked out for him and Argent, not that they ever would, so how could he expect them to work out with Maija?

But she wasn't done yet. This last time you left, I couldn't do anything by my normal standards. I couldn't eat as much, nor sleep as well. I couldn't leave the den unless I really had to, and...This war took you away from Tortuga, from the pack...from me, and it felt like a piece of the world was taken with your absence. The Re's eyes blew to impossible sizes at her words, both of his ears falling back against his skull, disbelief riddling his frame. Had he really just heard what she'd said? He played it back over in his head, going over each word slowly. He had never meant so much to anyone in his how could he have such significance to her? I was going to come back to you Maija, one way or another, harmed or unharmed... And Taurig would allow his brooding feelings to slowly enter the spotlight. Was he making the right choice? It was hard to tell.

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