
Beast And Meat


08-20-2023, 09:04 AM
Morning usually brought the awakening of life. Birds chirped at the first sign of fresh morning winds. Squirrels began their work of hunting nuts and berries to store for the coming winter seasons. Wolves started their hunts while some remained within pack borders to tend to the pups. It all centered around the arrival of the sun. The very balance of earth itself. And yet, there was one who defied such a thing.

Khranbari peered from the shadowed darkness of his cave. The cold stone walls dripping with faint residence from the brewing storm acting violently just outside the entrance. Rain poured down through the darkness of clouds tainting the skies. Hiding away what could have been the sunniest of days. This male preferred the later.

From the depths of where he sat, sharp pools of melted gold stared endlessly over all that they could see. He was in no rush to leave and dared to be bothered. The storm’s arrival had awoken him from his slumber. Shaking the very beast to no longer sleep in silence. Thunder clapped just overhead. Distant lightening calling for his attention. He watched in silence. Time passed. And, the storm gave indication of letting up soon. It wasn’t on any type of agenda. Only it’s own. Leaving Khran to rise. Muscles cracking from the stretch of limbs. His coat shaking in every which way to rid of whatever clung to their strands. Hunger called to him. Luring the beast out of his home and into the world.

Here from the mountains, he could see that it hadn’t reached further into the lands as of yet. Many parts remained dry. Untouched. The sun shining overhead slowly becoming unhidden from being in the same blanket of clouds that sat just above him. He took it all in. Focus roaming where it could. From off to his left, a goat bellowed out. Staring at him without fear. Just behind him he could make out the silhouette of a mother and a lamb. His mouth water at the temptation. Such a gift presented so close to home. The meat of it savory and tender. Khran thought momentarily what to do. However, his mind finally settled on deer. The chase would be less dangerous for him. As well as less tiring.

With that in mind, he descended the mountains. Maneuvering quite easily down the paths until paws met damped grass. Easily sinking into the mudded soil with every step. His lungs filled as he inhaled deeply. The rain making it difficult for him to pick up a scent. With small hopes he will be able to find something through all of this. Until then, he ventured forward. No direction or destination in mind.

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1. Beast And Meat The Polar Sound 09:04 AM, 08-20-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024