
Cataleya x Taurig Babies!!



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-29-2013, 03:48 AM
Name: Sora

Gender: Male; Baby #1

Size(height, weight, build): 42", 195 pounds, slim looking and well muscled, but not to be mistaken for a weakling as he is quite the contrary.

Personality: Born with his father's heart of a warrior, Sora is the epitome of pure heart and bravery. He walks with an air of kindness wherever he goes, but also demands respect. Those who are unkind won't get so much as a nicety from the male, as he believes in to get respect you must give it. Equivalent exchange of morals of course, so don't be surprised if he turns his tail on you for being an arrogant fool. He has little time or patience for those who think themselves above others, so he won't even so much as give you the courtesy of a response if he see's you as such. His mind is well calculated in deciphering the intentions of others, something he learned from observing his more dark-sided siblings. Seldom does he engage in wrongdoing, but he will if the other party deserves it. Sora is a proven warrior, and it shows in the way he carries himself. Sora loves to engage in conversation with others, loves to learn about the past and dreams of those he meets, and will do what he can to help them achieve their dreams or heal the hurt from their past. Though he can't please everyone, he will strive to do his best. Sora constantly strives to prove himself as a leader, and so he practices fairness, honesty, and above all, integrity. Sora is known as a pure soul, never allowing himself to be tainted by no more then the blood of his enemies, and he keeps well away from such malicious people if he can help it. Bold in words is he as well, and often times a flaring temper and tongue can be seen in him when one chooses to insult the boy. Though he is all up for fairness, he knows that there are others with hidden malice who won't ever play by the rules. More often then not, Sora will try to talk down his opponent in an attempt to diffuse hostility, when it fails to work then he will bring down his opponent with all that he is capable, but will never play dirty. Sora dreams of becoming an alpha of his own pack someday, and he will do what he can in the world to successfully attain his goal.

Appearance: Sora is almost an exact replica of his father, Taurig. With a body packed with corded muscles yet still elegantly graced with poise, he is both a hard hitter and a fast mover. It's no joke when Sora walks his path, muscles rippling elegantly and showing off his features. The top half of his body there lies the graces of dark coloring as it appears to be dark to gunmetal greys, but in the right light there lies a shine and tint of blue. His ears are tinted with the darkening colors of greys and near blacks, the light, however, constantly playing with the actual color tones of his pelt. Midway down his body, the darkening tones of his pelt become lighter as they shift into the realm of silvery highlights and light tones. Just like his father, he holds light silvery to light grey tones that reign supreme from under his head, down his neckline and will then wrap lightly around his elbows and finally cascade towards midsection where it crosses in between his thighs and twines into the colors of his tail where it stops at the tip. As one looks down the elegantly poised legs of the creature, they'll notice that the tones of grey and silver will shift into darker aligned colors when the sights reach the hind limbs and forelegs. On the paladin's face, there lies the dark muzzle and near similar mask of his father, though the features of his mother make their mark as well. Four dark spots align under each eye, starting small and growing slightly larger then the next as it goes towards the outer part of the eye. Likewise, the darker stripe that adorns his mothers face will rise from the base of his nose, up the bridge and finally come to rest atop his crown. Finishing off his polished looks is the ever calm and focused gaze of his father's eyes. His eyes, however, will take on a slightly different shade of teal, and depending on his emotions will range from a slightly bluish teal tint to an ashen grey. It is no mistake, that he is indeed Taurig's son.

Alliance: Neutral Good

RP Sample:
Excited energy burst from the young boys body as he tore from his den and into the woods beyond. He was a year old now, and already he was much larger then his other siblings. He wondered why though, seeing as how his mother was the average size, he often wondered if his father was larger. Though he had never met him, Sora wanted to find out who he was. Large paws would imprint themselves into the dirt, leaving behind his trail, his journey to find his roots taking wing. Dark teal colored eyes searched around his surroundings, seeking out a sign of his eager attempt at searching out a clue. Something would catch his attention, and as he fell silent, the boy would get close in an attempt to see what it was. A moment later, a fox would jump out of it's hiding spot, and Sora realized that he had failed to scent it because it was among growing mint. The males fur bristled in alarm, and likewise the fox did the same as it pinned its ears and backed away. It's bushy tail swishing back and forth as it sized up its opponent. With a growl and a snap forward, Sora stood at his full height, which easily towered over the smaller beast. Widened eyes and a faltering stance from the fox, told Sora that it was having seconds thoughts about attacking him, and so it turned to flee. Instantly, Sora would give chase to run it away from his home.

He ran for at least a mile before the fox had decided to slip into a den much smaller then where Sora could fit, and so with a snort he would turn and leave the fox alone. Looking around, he wondered where in the forest he had ended up. Not having been in these parts before, he set to moving about with practiced care as he picked his way carefully across the grounds. The tropicality of the green scenery in these parts was unknown to him, as his home was a little farther away from these Eastern parts. Dark paws carried him over a large log, the boy having to leap and scramble his way across as it seemed not even a full grown wolf would be able to leap it in one bound. Once on the other side, he hopped to the ground below and a scent would catch his attention, thus causing the boy to freeze. He'd tentatively sniff the air, the scent of a stranger wafting in the winds towards him. Though it did for some reason, hold some kind of if he should know the scent. But as it was, he only knew the scent of his mother and his siblings. Curiosity drew him forward, and within moments he'd come to a cluster of bushes as he'd peer through them to look at the figure beyond. The male's back was turned to him, and though Sora knew better then to walk among strangers, he was drawn to the figure for some unknown reason. He'd step out, purposefully making noise with the bush as he moved in hopes of catching the other males attention. Before he could speak, however, the male would turn and stare at him with wonder. In turn, Sora would stare back with widened eyes...the man standing before him resembled the boy, yet the only thing missing was his mothers markings.

He would stare at the similarly colored male, slowly looking him over as he noted the same colored eyes, body type, form, and the way he held himself. He didn't know who his father was, but this couldn't just be coincidence...could it?


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!