
better with you


10-29-2013, 01:27 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

As she pressed into his fur he held his breath. Seraphim was surprised by her closeness, and was not prepared for it in the slightest. He was unsure how to handle her words, how to comfort her. It seemed that this choice was weighing even heavier on Eris than it was on him, even though she seemed to have made up her mind.

He knew before she said it directly that she wouldn't leave Glaciem. That, morally, she couldn't. And he understood, as much as it pained him. He watched her step away from him and he let her go, not wanting to continue the contact. It would only make this harder on the both of them. For a long time, he simply maintained eye contact with her, grappling with his words. How could he say this without it sounding unfortunate?

He exhaled.

I understand, Eris - you cannot leave Glaciem any more than I could leave Tortuga. You are needed there, for those who deserve your help. For the women and children who are as happy with their lives there as you are. Not everyone in that pack was evil, he knew this and he accepted it.

If there is another way, I will gladly pursue it. But at this moment, I can think of nothing other than the death of Isardis that would be an alternative, and it is unlikely that we will experience that any time soon.

But I hope that this war may do him in...

Tagged: Eris