
Crawling Under Oceans Above


10-29-2013, 01:49 PM
The hellish looking dame turned to face the newcomer, and found it was but a pup! This little one had some interesting markings, which let the gladatrix feel some sense of having something in common with the youngster. The young fae introduced herself as Jian, and asked the woman for her name in return. Approaching calmly, she sat on the frozen ground, feeling the cold even through her thick ebony fur. "My name's Udosa, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jian. What brought you to this interesting place?" She asked the youngster, wrapping her tail around her broad, powerful paws. No doubt she looked strange to the pup, her warrior's frame, mismatched eyes and red markings struck fear into most she met, even though she despised violence and devoted her time to adventuring.

Underneath her was an amazing sight, a perfectly preserved forest. It was landmarks like these that the hell hound of a woman lived and breathed, spent her life looking for. She wondered what else she could find in these lands, though she had spent much time exploring Alacritia, she hoped there were other things to see. Udosa found the islands of Ibis to be her favourite place so far, and wondered if there were other islands around. Maybe she would call one of them home, and have it be the place she returned to after days of adventuring. She could stay there, with her love, Jasper. It would be wonderful. She held the youngster's icy blue gaze, waiting calmly, patiently, for a reply.
