
ain't this the bloodiest mess in the world?

armada healer - TW gore & mental health



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
08-23-2023, 03:06 PM
TW: ptsd symptoms
Let Bas reply first, and then if a healer would like to collect the points from this they're welcome to <3

She was unsteady, off balance. The world around her swam. Her head spun. The adrenaline was beginning to fade from her system, and something was very, very wrong. Her stomach lurched. Hazel's grip on her assignment didn't waver, though. No matter how much blood poured from the wound to her neck, no matter what was going on in her head, the assignment was clear. Her assignment was clear. The General would not give up her post until the last fighter was off the field, until the last of her packmates was safe. She would hold on for them, and for them alone.

But as the din died down, as the last of them retreated to the safety of the Plains and their healers, Hazel is on their heels. She brings up the rear. Her head spins, and the ground beneath her feet seemed to shift. Woozy, dizzy, like the ground beneath her paws isn't quite stable. Hazel's head swam. "Hey Bas?" He was... around here somewhere? Among the throng of dark and blue wolves, he had to be one of them. He had to be... in there somewhere. It strikes her in this moment, the stray thought that she was the odd man out. She is the odd man out here, all red and pale. Vision blurry around the edges, green eyes going wide in an attempt to compensate.

Disorientation washed over her, wracked her brain. Pure anxiety ran wild in her system, ripping her apart from the inside out. Every thought in her head was coming too fast, was coming too strong. Hazel's head tipped toward the ground, and she could feel her stomach lurching. The smell of blood was too thick in the air, namely her own as it beaded and slipped to the ground before her feet. She could not hold it back any longer, and the General wretches and vomits. Spitting before righting herself, and taking a few more staggering steps back towards the healers.

"Bas I don't feel so good," she panted, whether he was in range to hear her or not. She stumbles. The wound behind her ear continued to bleed. Hazel trembled as she took a few more shaky steps... she had to make it back. Fuck, she had to make it back. Though her movements were slow, there was still panic in her system. No, Hazel really doesn't feel so good.

"Hazel" & "Basilisk"

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1. ain't this the bloodiest mess in the world? Tall Grass Plains 03:06 PM, 08-23-2023 03:25 AM, 02-13-2024