
Fan the Flames [Raid Meeting]

Deadline is 28th of August. Rattle your hocks and get in here.



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-23-2023, 08:51 PM

He’d been out of the loop. This time, but he hadn’t missed the preparations of those who had been in the know, and so, he and Wangui had been preparing. The stallion was intelligent enough to know war preparations when he saw them, so he’d set to rolling in the coal dust he’d been gathering from the fires in his grotto over the past seasons.

Once Wangui had finished cleaning his armor and sharpening the horn ornament he’d bear into battle, she prepared a slurry of water and coal, adding to the already darkened coat with the black wash until the stallion looked like a very dirty, natural grey horse that had not only missed a few baths but avoided them like the plague.

His mane was braided – with great effort, for the small lemur – and wrapped into leather pouches to hide the glow. His tail received the same treatment, bound up above most wolves’ ability to reach. Taliesyn was considering finding some barbs or blades to braid into the thick locks that might tear the mouths of those who tried to catch the enticing tail in their teeth during a fight – though even without barbs, they’d be fools to try – but for this battle, he’d leave off.

He lay out to let Wangui laboriously drag the armor onto his neck and slide the coil of steel over his horn, tip glinting in the light as he rolled to his hooves and set off at a trot, head perking higher as Ardyn’s howl reached his ears. Good, he was right on time.

The tall stallion came to a stop and took a place nearby out of the way, ears pricked forward in eagerness for the fight ahead. Whether real or practice, he was ready.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think