
Beast And Meat



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-23-2023, 09:59 PM
No reply came from his silver maw, and she twitched her ears. His silence only ever so slightly kept her fur on end, but her unease was outweighed by her hunger. She slid past him as he stepped aside for her, a clear indication he was allowing her access to it. She kept him in her line of sight as she maneuvered around the legs of the deer and found her way to the softer parts to feast upon.

She crunched her way through what he had left, blood further staining her brown and tan muzzle. Yellow eyes fixed on him as she tore flesh from bone. She licked her maw free of fluff as she lifted her head from the mess. Stomach as full as she could stand it, she sniffed the cooling body and moved away from it.

He had watched her in silence, glancing around every now and then. She assumed he was simply looking out for them, acting as a sentry. She did not trust him, but his lack of words did not give her much to assume negatively either. Actions did speak louder than words ever could after all.

”I don’t need anymore of this. Do you plan to take it with you, or will you leave it for the buzzards?” she asked him thoughtfully. She wondered if he had a pack to take it to. However it was highly unlikely given how he not only chowed down on it immediately after it had fallen but then allowed her to have her share of it too. The whole stomach, organs, and abdomen had been completely eaten away and some of the rump and thighs as well. They had made quick work of it and while a good amount was left over she was unsure of his customs when it came to cleanup.

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1. Beast And Meat The Polar Sound 09:04 AM, 08-20-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024