
Beast And Meat


08-23-2023, 10:32 PM
Khranbari couldn’t let his eyes drift from the woman for much too long. After giving their surroundings a quick glance, he found himself back. Entranced by those yellow pools which beamed like the sun or maybe it was just his imagination. Either way, he couldn’t help but admire such beauty in a female. The ones back home all held their own scale of looks. Some far prettier than the others. This one, for some odd reason, outshined then all. Maybe it was the innocent look upon her face. Features soft and stern. Untrusting. Wavering under the silence he knew all too well he gave off to others. It took him awhile to register her words. A brow lifting in question as he stood to sniff at the carcass.

He could keep the meal for more days to come; but, Khran wasn’t one to eat the same thing twice from the exact same catch. Tomorrow his tastebuds may call for rabbit or maybe even a fox or coyote. It didn’t much matter to him as long as he fed. "If you wish to keep it for yourself…" His nose nudged at the bull elk. Gaze wandering back to hers. "I will surely find something else when the time arises." Khran gave a small tilt of his head. Ears tuned in on every and anything. Solely on her, though.

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1. Beast And Meat The Polar Sound 09:04 AM, 08-20-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024