
There's a reason to be reckless



10-29-2013, 05:31 PM

She was relieved that her sister could come to her so easily for help, and she was ecstatic that it had been her instead of another wolf. She and Symphony had known each other longer, and silently she would wonder why the wolf had not gone to her other sister first. Symphony was going to teach Novel the arts of self defense, she knew she had skill in that area at least. None the less she would let the happiness overwhelm her, and try to start their lessons.
Novella would respond as Song assumed, she knew little of battle probably only what she had seen during the challenge. Not that Song had seen any more than training, but she had certainly trained a lot. "Alright, well we should start with the basics and that's defense." She would begin as her body changed its demeanor drastically. Her hackles would raise as her knees bent and her tail would extend flat to help align her spine. "Most of what you'll need to do is instinctual, if you're angry your fur will bristle, it makes it harder for other's to bite at the back of your neck." When her toes splayed she would continue, "You want to distribute your weight evenly on each paw so it's harder to disrupt your balance, if it helps don't be afraid to dig your claws into the ground. Bend your knees so you have the ability to move." She'd smile as she'd watch her younger sister, "Try it!" She would encourage.
