
ain't this the bloodiest mess in the world?

armada healer - TW gore & mental health



Master Healer (256)

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3 Years
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1KPride - PansexualSamhain 2022
08-24-2023, 10:10 PM (This post was last modified: 08-24-2023, 10:22 PM by Crux. Edited 1 time in total.)

One minute he'd been staring stiffly off in the direction of the fighting and the next they'd started to filter in. Exactly what happened in those early moments was a blur. He wasn't even sure he knew who he'd seen to, urgency rising in him to sit along side it's usual bed fellow of anxiety. Everything about his ambitions for Medic forgotten in the haze of blood and sweat and heady herbal smells. He cared about making sure he helped these wolves, his family, and those who he supposed were not related by blood but he'd probably still call family... He cared about making sure they were safe, they wouldn't go bleeding out on anyone. It'd happened when he'd been cleaning himself up, he spotted the reindeer weaving through the crowd clearly looking for someone. For a brief moment he met it's eyes and a jolt of adrenaline shot through his body. He'd seen the deer somewhere before... He didn't have time to ponder this problem before the reindeer was turning to look somewhere else, Crux followed it's gaze and he could have sworn his stomach had fallen out of his body.

His nephew gently lowering a slumped form. "Riya!" He called over his shoulder to where his companion was doing her own best to prepare for whatever was next. But he didn't wait for her, he simply started to lope off towards the pair of wolves. Crux was terrified his worst fear would come right up to slap him, but as he got closer he could see that the woman was breathing. Not well, but he'd take what he could get. But as he grew closer that observation became less and less comforting. There was so much blood and the acrid tang of vomit. He was sure he wasn't exactly a comforting sight either, moving as fast as his leg would allowed but a look of wide eyed panic probably plain on his face. He stopped before the pair, swallowing hard, breathing hard. Fuck! He thought to himself as he stared down at the woman. He lifted his gaze to look at Basilisk and knew he had to step up, take control of the situation. "Keep her talking if you can." She seemed half conscious and it'd make his job both easier if she was still able to react to him and it'd keep him from personally freaking out. He gestured gently for Basilisk to lift his leather wing so Crux could get a look at the wound, casting a quick glance back towards where he'd come from, praying for the familiar form of Riya or Halo before turning his attention back towards the pair. Even without a clear view of the damage it was clear something nasty had happened.


Art by TheStarvingRaven
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

Crux has a 6 inch long burn scar on his throat, most of his art does not reflect this.

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1. ain't this the bloodiest mess in the world? Tall Grass Plains 03:06 PM, 08-23-2023 03:25 AM, 02-13-2024