
Armada Raid Healing



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (179)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
08-25-2023, 02:05 AM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2023, 03:57 AM by Tealah. Edited 1 time in total.)
Trigger warning: bugs

Aris had finally had a fully successful raid, and despite the lacerations gauging across her hips she walked with a jaunty, purposeful stride as she set out for the plains the rest of the healers had set up on. The pirates - uh, raiders - had already set up some sort of party in their territory celebrating, apparently, their defeat, but she was more interested in getting her wounds seen to and making sure that the rest of the pack was taken care of than she was of checking out what they thought of as a good time. Others in the raiding party would be collecting the food that they'd gone there to raid, but her primary duty was as a healer so she left as soon as the pack was in the clear. Consequently she was there before any of the other fighters, her wounds stinging with the seawater that had washed them. Her eyes swept the assembled healers and saw Ansem there ready. She gave him a nod of approval - she'd made Zeejay stay at home rather than risk the tiny, sickly youth trying to keep up with the adults but Ansem had no such handicap so she was glad to see he had made it a point to go with the healers. Her gaze lingered momentarily on a pup that someone had thought it was a good idea to drag along, though. Clearly one of Mortis' pups from the wings and the... well, everything. All of what, three months old, and undoubtedly going to be underfoot while the rest of them were slipping in blood and mangled patients, great.

She grunted, and stomped over to the packs she'd left there before the raid. A little digging found a clay jar covered just with a cloth tied over it like a drumhead. She gave it a little shake. Skittering sounds inside heralded that whatever it held was alive and, now, angry. Good. The bag next produced a set of pincers that could go over two toes to open and close. Next came a couple of jars that didn't produce angry sounds, and a pad of wool, and lastly a length of cloth. Glancing back at the other healers, she picked out Ansem's much-taller form. "Ansem!" she called out for his attention, jerking her head to gesture for him to come over. She couldn't close the wounds by herself, not in such a bad spot, so he'd need an assistant. Her eyes fell on the pup, and she grinned wickedly. He could be useful after all. "Hey you, kid!" So she didn't know her brother's kids' names yet, sue her. It had taken her years to learn Azure's kids' names too. She just waited until they were useful to her and then figured it out. She gestured for the kid to come over too, and waited until both had joined her. "You two are going to learn how to close wounds, with these." She gave the jar another shake, and it began emitting even more angry noises.