
Just A Spoon Full Of Sugar

Wylan & Zion Herb Hunting


"Until We Meet Again"


4 Years

VengeanceOoh La LaSamhain 2022ScarredDouble Master
08-25-2023, 04:59 PM

Keahi half-heartedly looks for Boneset since she has already spied several clusters around the area that she knows she will pick for Hazel later. Right now, the pups were ‘playing’ (while actually working) and she is more focused on making sure that the very curious Wylan does not go to the out-of-bounds zone. As she slowly walks along, she imparts some wisdom about the herb they collecting before posing a question to the young pups and Zion is the first to speak up. A gentle laugh is exhaled as the red woman says, “That is a great guess Zion! From the name, you would think that is what Boneset is used for.”

Subtly, Keahi hovers around the area Wylan collects from, ready to intercept the boy if he tries to go into the ‘do not touch’ area. Thankfully, the winged pup admits that he does not know before shifting his focus to the patch of desired herb to begin collecting. Looking back over to where Zion is, the red wolf explains, “So, you guessed that is was used to set bones. There was a time when it was believed that the leaves actually did help with that. However, it was found that the flower is more effective and helps to reduce fevers and help treat colds. It can also help with muscle and joint pain too!”

The woman watches the pups as she speaks, trying not to overload them with information. Keahi knows it is a fine line between making sure they retain it and giving them too much at this age. As they finish picking their patches, the red woman heads over to the spot where she had placed the three pieces of cloth and deposits a couple of bundles that she sneakily picked. Once done she turns to where the pups are and says, “Alright! Times up! Zion, Wylan, bring your herbs up here so we can see who wins!”

A smile is on her lips as she waits for the pups to approach so that they can count out and find out who has the most. As Zion approaches, she adds, “I don’t know how your mother uses the herbs Zion but I bet she can tell you all about when we get home.” A wink is tossed at the pup as she waits to declare the winner.

"Keahi Mogotsi"