
Sneaking Out



10-29-2013, 07:35 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Relief was immediate at finding someone already there and waiting for their group to arrive, allowing the first sincere smile to cross the hunter's face though its stay there was short lived. It was one less thing they needed to worry about and a huge weight taken off of Ashtoreth's shoulders after leading the group blindly along. The whole way there she had been harboring fears that Seracia would not be ready to accept them yet, or that they might have changed their mind and forsaken Epiphron's familial ties, but her worrying had been for nothing and for that she was incredibly grateful.

"Yeah," she answered Loccian's initial inquiry, "the Valhallan refugees. Those of us not fighting." She glanced over one shoulder and peered back at the group, small in numbers compared to those who stayed to fight and tend the wounded. She hoped Cael would be along soon with the last remaining individuals who they had been waiting for. From the back of their group, one of their numbers spoke up, and Ashtoreth peered toward the individual curiously. One of the healers - and mate to Cael it seemed - added that another group followed behind the first. No sooner had she made the statement, however, she was also speaking on behalf of the trio who had tagged along with the Valhallan wolves, a fact which caused the hunter to clench her jaws and hold her tongue. It was a healer's place to share their gifts with all, no matter the station of the injured, but Ashtoreth's primary concern rested with the wolves of her own pack; in her eyes, they could not afford generosity when it risked bringing harm upon them all.

She chose not to comment upon the trio led by the male, leaving it up to him to seek shelter for his group from the Seracian wolves, and instead allowed her focus to return to the grey wolf who had greeted them. "I don't suppose you guys have a spot picked out for us somewhere?" she asked, her tone both apologetic and hopeful. She knew the influx in numbers upon the Range likely would cause a little stir to the normal happenings of the pack, but at the same time with nowhere else to go she did hope they were prepared for the accommodations.