
Patrolling Past


08-26-2023, 11:07 AM
Tongue slid over an itch just above the left of his hip. Teeth digging beneath the thickening of furs to get rid of the annoying irritation. Khranbari had decided to wander the lands to what he now knew as home. The grounds felt smooth beneath his paws. Soft grass and cool dirt every which way he walked. Two days since he'd made the decision to join the Valta. And he planned heavily to climb the ranks over a short period of time. No matter how many scars he would claim or animals would die under the pressure of his fangs. He had to do what was needed for when the time came. Or, if it ever did.

His journey traveled along the long winding paths. Some quite worn from others steps weighing down the structure. He, too, now amongst them as he patrolled the area. Coming to the eastern borders ways away from where he entered. The air here felt calm. Falls presence becoming a slow and distant memory. Winter was fast approaching. Small amounts of chill hidden behind a slightly warm autumn breeze. To train in the settings of harsh conditions felt right to do so. His father had done the same.

Winter's were not full of happy times to play. Tahan Chao Fah made him climb mountains in deep snow. Swim the rivers and seas during the worse thunderstorms. His means of training was to ensure Khranbari would become his greatest heir. Even his siblings did not get receive anything of the sorts. Allowed to live and play as they please. His mother, Rochana, never stepped in to help. Constantly turning a blinds eye to her eldest son and paying more attention to the remaining five of her litter. Lip peeling back at the memories. His mother's grey and black fur always an image walking away from a small Khran. Those piercing liquid gold eyes of his father sharp and full of disapproval. He was not a weapon. But, a pup who wished to live like all his other siblings. Not ever getting the opportunity to do so.

Khranbari shook his head to rid himself of the past. He was grown now. Able to live how he chose. No matter how much it haunted him. He was the way that he was only due to his parents and knew not how to reverse any of it. With a low growl and an annoyed expression, Khran continued his patrol of the borders. Coming just short of the flowing waterfalls cascading along weirdly placed rocks.


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1. Patrolling Past Sunset Falls 11:07 AM, 08-26-2023 12:39 AM, 07-03-2024