
A promise to make




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-26-2023, 12:59 PM

A moment after she called out to the Elysium Emissary, Ikigai bid her to come in, the healer looking up from her work to motion her inside. Giving her a small, thankful smile, Avacyn did just that and stepped into the well furnished space. She had not been to visit her uncle or Ikigai for more than a passing hello so this was her first time really seeing the space and it was obvious that Ikigai had a knack for making things beautiful, but still functional. As much as she loved her uncle, she was positive that he had little to do with the table, cushions, and other pieces of decor in the space. Moving into the space, she found a place to sit and waited for a moment as Ikigai wiped her paws and turned to face her.

The concern on the other fae's face was almost immediate and it made Avacyn's ears flick with a bit of embarrassment. She had hoped that perhaps she looked better than she felt she did, but it couldn't be helped. "I will be," she replied with a slight smile. At this point she wasn't confident that statement was true, but she had to be alright eventually. She didn't have a choice if she was going to continue on leading this pack and her family. "It's... um... It's actually why I'm here." She knew she would have to be transparent with Ikigai through this, but getting herself to admit what happened was difficult. "Saracyn and I had been expecting pups," she explained quietly, not quite able to meet Ikigai's gaze as she spoke. "They were very nearly due, but... they didn't make it. There were some significant birth defects. They died before they were born." It felt very flat and matter of fact to her own ears as she said it, but the crease in her brow and her ears that had flattened against her head gave away the guilt and grief that she was still wrestling with. "There is... is obviously a reason that the Mendacium laws forbid a relationship like ours."

She was quiet for a moment as she drew in a breath to steady herself before finally bringing her gaze back to Ikigai's again. "I feel like it's my responsibility as a leader to think about the future of the pack and the Mendacium family and who will lead them after me. Traditionally, it's always a daughter of the current Matriarch, but... I won't be able to provide that heir... not without mating with someone who is not my soul mate and that's not something that I want." She pulled a small smile onto her lips as she continued, "But I've admired the union that you and Deimos have found with one another. The family deserves to have a Matriarch that comes from a strong pair like the two of you. They need a good role model of the family's laws. It would also cement the alliance between our families for years to come and I hope that is only a benefit to Elysium and Ashen. All of this to say... if you'll allow it, I would like to chose my heir from your daughters once they're born. I'm confident that it is the best path forward and... having some kind of plan for the future will at least settle one of my worries."

"Avacyn Medacium"

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1. A promise to make Alias Island 07:59 PM, 08-19-2023 04:18 AM, 11-06-2023