
Don't go bacon my heart



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
08-26-2023, 06:12 PM

The small girl had a different vantage point to larger wolves. Maybe it was being closer to the ground that had her picking up on the criss-crossing trails, steps shorter and sharper than usual. What might usually be a deer trail had turned into a rally track and it seemed like they were moving out, running from some unseen terror, but she couldn't quite put her paw on it. With that in mind, she had set about building a small fence of sorts. It wasn't very strong, but it would serve as a pen in a pinch. What she had been hoping to trap would be dangerous at the best of times, but when you were as small as Cricket, well, the risk was only compounded.

She had foraged for root vegetables and scraps and hauled them on a hide to the centre of the ring, and taking a leaf out of Macarbre's book she used a vine to prop the crooked gate open. Crooked so that when the vine was jostled, the gate would swing shut and catch the prey inside. She thought it was a pretty cool set up if she did say so herself. Now all she could do, was wait.

Each day she would run through the grasses, occasionally bouncing to get her head above the leaves, and each day she left a little disappointed. On the fouth day, when the vegetables were really starting to get stinky though, she could hear a distant squealing as she approached. It wasn't even just one, and she bought a paw up to slap her forehead dramatically, of course it wasn't! Pigs travelled together... Well, maybe she was in the shit now huh?

Cricket quickly howled for any nearby Insomnia wolf to come to her aid and kept bounding forward to see what she had managed to snare. Climbing up on a stump that she had conveniently built her fence against for just this purpose, her green eyes grew wide at the sight before her. A mumma pig and 8 fat little babies ran circles and squealed. Her brain couldn't comprehend the size of the adult, but maybe with some effort, they could get the babies home and make them fat before they ate them? She'd have to get them away from their tusky mother first, and she didn't have any guarantee that anyone was nearby, so with a grimace on her face and a wobble in her leap, she entered the colosseum of her own design to a chorus of piggy shrieks. Green eyes met beady black and she regretted every decision that had lead to this point, but she couldn't let the pack down, could she?

Mumma made the first move and it was all Cricket could do to try and keep out of her way.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

It's time to raise the curtain


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1. Don't go bacon my heart Emerald Valley 06:12 PM, 08-26-2023 01:21 PM, 09-27-2023