
I Got Approval For This Shenanigan



08-26-2023, 06:14 PM
Ok we all know that Ursa was not the rule breaker of the group. Really, she would rather stay home, tend to the garden with mama, and eat some food. Honestly, the farthest she ever went was the cove or the col but that was on rare occasion when she needed seashells or an item not found in the woods. So why the chubby puppy thought it was a good idea to head east that day (actually it was nighttime by the time she set out) was beyond even herself.

In truth, for some ungodly and unknown reason, she couldn’t sleep. Something about how she was piled in against her siblings made her extremely uncomfortable. It was like every bone in her body ached. No matter what she did, she couldn’t keep her eyes closed and drift off. Instead, she rolled over, her paws and belly slapping the ground before she continued until she was nearly on top of Warden. The whiter of her siblings and perhaps the bravest, Ursa knew she could convince him to go.

Go where? She didn’t know. As long as she was up and moving to get rid of this itch that itched her whole being, she didn’t care. So there she was nudging her brother awake until he stirred. She whispered softly into his ear her plan to leave the den and go wandering at night, in the dark, with all the scary things that could jump out at them. The pup was not surprised when her brother leaped at the chance to go and helped her scuttle out of the door without anyone else waking up.

As they made their way out of the safe boundaries of the woods, Ursa felt almost… giddy. She was breaking a rule. An important rule and it was kind of fun! So much fun that they continued to walk northeast or so until the sound of lapping water reached her ears. Both of them perked up as her eyes widened. There, not far off, the shore dazzled in the moonlight. Sparkling ice and ebony rocks rose to the sky. Snow fluttered to the ground around them as an early winter greeted the northern edges of Boreas. A quiet gasp leaves her as she nudges Warden to follow.

“Look at this!” Ursa exclaims as she runs down the shoreline before skidding to a halt at the ice bridge that led to an ominous outcropping. “You think the ice is thick enough for us to cross?” She asks as she taps her paws against the cold rocks and turns to see Wardens reaction.

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1. I Got Approval For This Shenanigan Ardens Glácies 06:14 PM, 08-26-2023 10:15 AM, 10-26-2023