
Beast And Meat



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
08-26-2023, 07:01 PM
The two treaded along together in silence. Varushka felt she was slowly getting used to the male’s lack of speech. It was almost kind of nice. Most others she had met in the past either spoke way too much or whatever came out of their mouth was unreliable to what they actually ended up doing. The grey furred wolf beside her was very consistent from what she had gathered in the short time they had spent together so far.

They matched their paces as they trekked back to the waterfalls. As they approached one, the ground below it had already swollen with a large amount of water. It was several times the size it had been when Varushka had been there earlier. The water itself seemed plenty clear enough, with the exception of a few bits of leaf litter, old sphagnum moss, or floating sticks.

The brown female lowered her head to lap at the icy cold water. It soothed her warm throat and cooled her belly. Her blood stained jowls and teeth coming clean as she licked them with the aid of the water. She felt a tug of curiosity as she thought of her new acquaintance. What was he doing out here all alone? Surely he didn’t have anyone to take care of if he didn’t want to keep the deer they had shared. She still didn’t even know his name.

The medium sized female sat down beside the pool of water, the grass brushing her haunches. The pleasant sound of water splashing into the pool was soothing. She stared into the water at their reflections as she spoke, ”My name is Varushka by the way.” She dipped her head to him. ”Mind if I ask you yours?” She did not expect much chatter from him, but she hoped knowing each others names would at least help them not feel so on edge.

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1. Beast And Meat The Polar Sound 09:04 AM, 08-20-2023 03:11 AM, 02-13-2024