
Foi and Majofionism Information

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"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
08-26-2023, 09:40 PM
What is Foi?

In the land of Lyenne, a continent that lies beyond Boreas and Auster, the following of Foi is a common belief path. Foi is a religion that has been around for as long as the packs there can remember, and tales of the Divinities, God, and Goddess are passed down from young to old. In the followings of Foi wolves believe that in all things there is balance; all things have a counterpart that makes them what they are and helps keep the world existing as it were. If any of these relationships were to be broken, the world as these wolves know it would cease to exist.

The Roles

The God and Goddess: Said to be the creators of the world, law, and all creatures big and small within it. They are the pair that have enforced balance, so that all things, perceived good or bad, can exist. Without them, there would be no earth, no sky, no freedom, no prey… no nothing. They are revered as the purest forms of life, and spoken of with the utmost respect.

The Divinities: The children of the God and Goddess, created to uphold their laws and share their duties of managing the world. The Eldest, the first litter of the God and Goddess, are sibling “twins” who directly counter and balance each other, whereas the The Keepers, or second litter, add order to the world.

The Guardians: Notable wolves within the history of the world, typically the children of the Divinities. They are half mortal, half divine, their existence on the mortal plane longer than that of the average wolf before they choose to join their parents in the stars. Upon returning to the realm of the Divine, they are tasked to walk among the Greaters and Lessers, and help prevent disasters.

Greaters (also known as Angels): The spirits of those who have passed and have gone to join the Divinities, God, and Goddess in the sky as stars. Each star represents a different life, and their movement across the skies symbolize that even in death, all creatures have a purpose. Greaters are said to help guide the living with their light, offering hope even when things are at their bleakest. When a star falls, it is said that the Goddess has granted a wolf a new life, and they are reborn again, without the pain and memories of their past life to be granted a second chance. While Greaters are nowhere near as powerful as the Divine, leaving their mortal body behind has granted them a unique strength and new plane of existence. Their world in the stars is said to be a paradise; a place where suffering no longer exists and any pain or suffering can be healed. When appearing before the mortals in their dreams, they are said to inherit different gifts for the Divine, depending on what the Eldest has seen in them.

The Children: Simply put, these are living wolves. Said to be the creations of the God and Goddess, they were blessed with freedom and free will. They are created in various images and with a wide array of skills, suggesting that true perfection in any one specimen does not exist. While those who follow Foi are considered the “Light” or “Pure” path, there are zealots who will twist the religion for their own selfish gains.

The Others: Creatures big and small, created to provide food, competition, and even companionship to the wolves of the world. Their role and importance is interpreted differently depending on the wolf or pack.

Lessers (also known as Demons or The Hellspawn): Those that have strayed from the path of Foi so far that their souls can not be redeemed. They choose a path of hatred and cruelty, often not even caring for each other. Lessers are disorderly and lawless; a wolf should never trust them. Their powers are said to rival that of the Greaters and even the The Guardians, the most powerful of Lessers will risk their spirit shattering for a chance at removing those they view as hypocrites. Often Lessers view those above the The Children as the ones who have damned them, blaming them for the path they have taken… when they only have themselves to blame. The curse the Stars, and whenever they have the chance will drag a soul to the Hellgates, seeking to create more of their kind and amass an army that will rid this world of the “injustice” of the stars forever. They can not manifest into corporal forms to do harm to mortals, but they can manifest in the forms of hallucinations, voices, and even seem to try and possess a mortal to corrupt their soul.

Shadow Helpers (also known as Shadows): These are not creatures a wolf wants to come face to face with. Shadows are spiritual creatures influenced by the Lessers of other species to bring harm to wolves. Unlike the Divine, who try not to meddle in the affairs of mortals, Lessers and their Shadows will haunt their target in an attempt to bring them to madness. Like Lessers, they can not manifest into corporal forms to do harm to mortals, but they can manifest in the forms of hallucinations, voices, and even possess the companions of wolves who have strayed from the path of the stars. They support the fall of wolf and companion into a next life of suffering.


Wolves believe that blessings can come from any of those who walk among the stars, from the Greaters to the God or Goddess themselves. Blessings can come in different forms, from unique attributes that can be used offensively or defensively in battle, to natural talent in skills that can help aid oneself and their loved ones. Even being naturally charismatic or able to talk to all creatures that are not of wolf kind. Blessings can be anything that is a boon to a wolf and are not limited to any one thing.


Sometimes wolves can interpret these challenges as curses from the Divine, and start to question the will of the stars. The Divine are not meant to meddle in the affairs of mortals, and their lives and struggles are theirs to overcome. Sometimes a wolf may be born with handicaps such as blindness, deafness, or other various things that may hinder their everyday life. For those who follow the path of Foi, these children face challenges and put the faith of the parents to the test. Will they turn their back on their stars and their child, and deny them? Or will they help them succeed, no matter the difficulties that they face? These are not meant to be seen negatively but some wolves will interpret it as such.

Older wolves can be presented with challenges as well, and not often by the choice of the Divine. With The Children having free will, and not all choosing to follow Foi, sometimes pain and suffering can befall the innocent. The Divine will resist intervening, but in some cases they will send signs or attempt to shift the path of an individual in order to offer them hope. Wolves who have dealt with traumatic pasts who escape it are said to have been touched by the Divine, to save a soul that was never meant to hurt.


Despite what some wolves believe, the Divine do not directly curse wolves. When wolves are born they are believed to be pure and untainted, undeserving of judgement. The wolves who stray from the path of the Stars will start to notice a change and believe themselves cursed. Perhaps they are unlucky, unskilled, or have lost loved ones... The Divine will offer chances for them to change their ways and see the truth but the further a soul falls, the stars will be unable to guide them or send signs, giving room for the Lessers and Shadow Helpers to do their work.
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings