
Foi and Majofionism Information

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"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
08-26-2023, 10:28 PM

Celeste and Nox

Celeste is known by The Children as The Goddess and is the first she-wolf to exist. She birthed the Divinities, and created the beings who would uphold the laws of the world she and Nox made. She is described as a lithe, albino figure with a gentle smile and soft blue eyes. She is small and delicate in stature, of the tiniest size that is possible in wolf kind. The fur on her mane and head is unkempt and wild whereas the rest of her fur seems to be kempt. A pair of feathered wings grace her back, and to the knowledge of The Children, she is the only wolf with the blessing capable of flight. A second, smaller set of wings graces either foreleg in a cosmetic appearance. The followers of Foi say that she resides over resurrection, purity, and blessings.

Nox is known by The Children as The God and The Protector, as well as being the first male wolf to exist. He fathered the Divinities and set the laws of the world. He is described as a solid figure, at times appearing short and stout like his mate, and other times taller than even the tallest dire wolf. His fur is dark and inky as shadow, void of any markings. A pair of horns raise above his head, a pale white, and his tail is long and flowing, curling in a loop behind him so that it does not drag when he walks. He bears a constant solemn expression and bears pupiless white eyes. The followers of Foi say that Nox is all seeing and resides over all things, ensuring that the Divinities are able to do their duties and the Lessers do not steal spirits from the Stars. Some wolves say that Nox is void of emotion, for he must not allow himself to feel biased, while others say he has the demeanor of a protective father and leader.

Sola and Akakios

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Charis and Erebos

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Mémoire and Eterna

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Abyss and Eon

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Delusion, Calamity, and Chaos

Information missing... please wait while we find someone knowledgeable about them!
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Beau's Inklings