
Foi and Majofionism Information

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"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
08-26-2023, 10:42 PM
What is Majofionism?

Majofionism is a lesser followed religion in Lyenne, but one that its followers believe simplify the existence of higher beings. In Majofionism, it is said the world is made up of the core elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. These elements are represented by a Deity that displays attributes of their element and are collectively referred to as the Elementals. Many wolves will favor one element over the others as a sort of leading element, and typically wolves of distinct personality types will gravitate towards them.

Those who follow a path of nurturing tend to follow the path of Earth.

Those who follow a path of purity tend to follow the path of Water.

Those who follow a path of neutrality tend to follow the path of Wind.

Those who follow a path of ambition tend to follow the path of Fire.

Some wolves believe that both Foi and Majofion are right, and that the Elementals are merely a third litter of Celeste and Nox.

Seethe and Serene

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