
I Got Approval For This Shenanigan




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

1 Year
Dire wolf

08-26-2023, 11:14 PM

Warden was perhaps the easiest one to convince that pushing a boundary, bending a rule, was a good choice. Sleep was overrated, and with the amount of shuffling that Ursa was doing tonight, it was a wonder she hadn't woken the rest up. Quietly, he slipped from the comfort of their den, the safety of their hollowed out tree. Out and into the crisp, cool evening. Warden lifted his muzzle to the breeze, taking a deep breath in. Feeling the relief of it wash over his entire body... they were free. Well, for now, they were free. Sharing a confidential look with his sister, the pair slipped out into the night. Wonderful.

Not only were they out at night, they were going out-out. Exploring, and there was no one to tell them not to. Sure, rules were important, but they're also meant to be broken. It was starting to snow. Warden casts his wide, shining gaze to the sky. The flakes fall around his shoulders, melt near instantly as they land on his nose. They were headed towards water. He can hear it as they get closer, and he picks up a light jog out of pure excitement. Both pups were giddy, doing something they really shouldn't have been doing. Getting into shenanigans.

It was so incredibly pretty out here. Warden finds that there are far too many places to look, far too many things to see. His chest seemed to swell with it. Yeah, this is way too exciting. The ice bridge that spread before them, and the outcropping... woah. It's all very woah. Warden's tail twitches with the excitement of it all, and he's happy to move ever-closer to the unknown. Bright gaze shining as he looks from Ursa to the weird land mass before them. "There's only one way to find out," he grinned.

Boldly, Warden took a full step out onto the cold, rocky bridge. It seemed to settle and creak beneath his paws, shifting slightly at his weight but seeming sturdy enough. He turned to look to Ursa, eyebrows lifting. "Whatcha think?" Checking in, making sure that everything looked alright from her angle too.


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1. I Got Approval For This Shenanigan Ardens Glácies 06:14 PM, 08-26-2023 10:15 AM, 10-26-2023