
Wake Me Up When September Ends



10-29-2013, 09:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The dull weather combined with the five rambunctious youths that remained of her litter had been simply too much for Mercianne to take that day. Since Kestrel's disappearance, she had been considerably more worrisome, ordering her boys to stay close and practically hovering over their every move. She was paranoid one of them would be next, that she might lose more children than the one she knew had gone missing, and she wished to do anything and everything in her power to prevent it while at the same time scouring the land for the one presently absent. No sign of her young girl had so far been found but the mother clung desperately to the hope that she might reappear, keeping up a strong presence for her sons and those around her while she could.

She could not express how grateful she had been that Knight Cloud had been close that day. His kindness and assistance had grown to be invaluable to her after he had started to make his presence more strongly known, but on this day it had been paramount to her overall well being. Her emotions felt frayed to the point of breaking, and rather than question her or cause a fuss he had merely accepted her request to draw the boys away from their shoreline home, giving her time to herself as she needed it. She had thanked him though her words failed to express just how grateful she was to him, and once they had gone out of sight she had crept back inside of her den to let the flood of emotions spill over as they had been wishing to do.

It was not until she heard a voice at the entrance of the den that she stirred, uncurling from the tightly coiled position she had drawn herself into to try and keep her body whole. Peering over one shoulder, she noted easily the large shape of the wolf there and knew in an instant who it was. "Oracle," she stated, her voice just minutely breaking as she attempted to pull herself together for the girl. It was not entirely uncommon for her to see her, particularly with the state of the growing pains that had been plaguing the poor girl. Already she was going through the list of plants that she had been storing to see if she had enough of what she needed to assist her when the girl spoke up, the tone of her voice leading her to believe that it was not simply growing pains that were bothering her today.

Merci paused for a moment as she watched her as she considered what could be wrong, but she quickly collected herself and moved to her paws, making room for the large girl if she wished to join her. "Of course," she answered Oracle's question, her concern drawing away from herself and easily switching over to the yearling's as it was easier for her to think about than her own. Concern etching itself upon her softly featured face with a slight but gentle furrowing of her brow, Mercianne peered at the girl more closely before speaking in a soft but concerned voice. "What's wrong?"